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Ha ha, brilliant!

(It?s funny ?cos it?s true)

Heck yea. I'm not doing anything except sipping a coffee, hitting my bowl and surfing various forms of media. I was thinking about a nap but I opted for caffeine and THC instead. But for sure, I'm not doing nothing.

The ad illustrates how heavy continued use of cannabis can create a situation where being stoned regularly, surrounded by people who are stoned regularly becomes normal, you don?t see how it can rob one of ambition and drive and leaves you in a situation you might not be in were you not such a heavy user.

Sure you?re not in prison for offences linked to harder drugs or alcohol but it?s not without consequence.

I?ve lived it, seen it in my friends, am now hearing stories about the offspring of some of my peers, even seen evidence of it on here.

Shake your head or tell me about your wonderful fulfilling varied life all you like.
When you have already made up your mind on the answer, the question is easy to find.

Many chronic users I've known/know who aren't living in their parents basement.
The pot isn't for everyone that's for sure. And I'll concede that people predisposed to loserville certainly don't benefit from chronic use.

I'm a complete abstainer now for quite awhile. Curious to me that soon enough it'll be legal here and presumably be being pushed like alcohol is mainstream. But as of now I doubt I'll partake again. Maybe one day.
Heh I'm not against it at all.

Really focusing on my health and detoxing my body. so yah, I've eased up on the salt too. Lol. But pepper is ok I think?
I have 4 different varieties to choose from - hell yea.

Which bud will I choose next? :/:

Imma let Mick decide...

Killa from Manilla? Or just average pots? Maybe a blend?

So, marijuanas is like booze? No pots before 5 pm?

When is the right time to smoke weeds, Mick?