Captain Zero!
Which policies create crime and poverty ?
I believe that the expansion of the welfare state itself was the cause of a rise in crime and poverty.
Which policies create crime and poverty ?
Was met with some serious animosity after leaving my boulder bubble and driving down south with my fair lady (who sometimes likes to dress in a provocative manner). I was a bit surprised, but still had a great trip. Even in Taos, which I fancied to be some type of liberal haven, the tension was evident. Further south we had a policeman tell us it was not a safe town for tourists, we had a rental car with NY plates. Rural NM is very poor and down trodden, this seems to be the root of the tension. Like I said though, it was a great trip and I'd gladly go back anytime, without a gun (that part was a joke) So many incredible places and people down there like this spot, highly recommend a visit to anyone.
Was met with some serious animosity after leaving my boulder bubble and driving down south with my fair lady (who sometimes likes to dress in a provocative manner).
So I guess if the huge expansion of the welfare state was bad for the black family, why have we not made changes to make it better for them?
I loved NM.
Did you ever make it to Acoma Pueblo? It was an awesome experience up on the Mesa.
Nice, Jim, you play with a band from the rez? It's nice have immunity![]()
New Mexico was one of my most odd (and a bit scary) racist experiences, a lot of pissed off natives and mexicans down there. If you want to bring a pretty lady, better bring a gun too, was the way I was left feeling after my last visit.
Why are we paying poor people to have children?
No shit, that's the town where to police told us to vacate!
Blacks have lower mean IQ results on test scores than Hispanics, whites, and jews, it goes in that order, jews on top. Blacks have a much higher rate of having a gene, called the "warrior gene" that produces greater amounts of testosterone. High rates of testosterone are linked to violence and crime. Blacks often tend to have shitty diets. Blacks spank and abuse their children at a higher rate than other races. Poor family environments combined with divorce appear as factors.
Combine certain factors and you get people prone to commit crime, and experiencing violence at home, especially combined with the other factors mentioned above, and you get a propensity to commit crime. Environmental or factors based on genetic inheritance as a predecessor to commit crime can be a debate, but it isn't difficult to infer that it is a combination of the two. I guess nobody watched the vid.
It's also non productive to get all worked up by someone saying that race is a factor in crime. If you don't want to look at the possible reasons that certain people commit more crime than others, those people and their families, our communities, that suffer because of both committing and being victims of crimes, will never get any help to try and solve the serious problem in society.
Don't do us any favors if it pains you to stick around to discuss things. Running off accomplishes absolutely nothing other than supporting your own tendency to have lack of knowledge. I wonder if there could be a "self righteous" gene?
You're calling Jay racist? Are you really that stupid?Man I didn't want to respond, but couldn't let this one go. An amazing post! The first paragraph is absolutely stunning. Really. You have brought a new level of racism to this forum, with your hate filled rubbish! The IQ test has been widely debunked by folks far smarter than you and I , because it is deeply flawed, with built in cultural and racial bias, as well as many other problems. My wife is the proud owner of a few Masters Degree's in education, and has studies the IQ Test extensively, and she is of the opinion that is not an accurate measure of one's innate intelligence. Add in cultural, racial, and socio-economic differences, and it is a pretty piss poor way to evaluate intelligence.