In The News...

A quick googling of the "warrior gene" dispels it as a crock of shit that tries to pass as science by some hack finnish researchers.
You could probably use a good cuddle Bob. I'm here for you if you need someone. I won't even charge you.
A quick googling of the "warrior gene" dispels it as a crock of shit that tries to pass as science by some hack finnish researchers.

Perhaps too quick a googling. It's just as easy to find scientific studies that point to a connection between genetics and violence. The interaction between genetics and environmental factors is a complex one, but researchers are still looking at it to this day. Simply labeling something as a pos because you hurriedly found someone on the web that says so, is non productive to a discussion, an insult to intelligence really. Spend some tine reading up on the subject without a predisposed incination to completely rule it out, and your opinion could offer something to add.
I guess that's the problem with the internet. Anything and everything can be either fake news or the word of God.
So, it was slavery that ruined it? In these modern times?

I dont buy that. Intact black families were the norm before the war on poverty. Now we pretend that black kids dont need positive male role models. Now the welfare state has taken the place of the intact black family.

Very thoughtful post Jim. Who knows how any of our ancestors were mistreated or by whom. Mine or yours may have been enslaved, murdered, martyred or mutilated by any different race or class of people. Does that mean that the ancestors of those people owe me something? That would be the most racist statement I can imagine. And how far back in time do we go with it. 300 years, 500, 5,000?

There is no doubt that the government handout system is a huge factor in the demise of the family unit in all races, but particularly in the black community and I believe that is deliberate.

We have been talking in this forum recently about bears and the factors that make them dependant and get them into trouble. Well guess what? It works with all species regardless of the tingle one might get from thinking you "helped" that particular animal or person. Porpoises (bottle nose dolphins) are the new welfare group in my area. When some fishermen catch undersized or unwanted fish, they throw them to the porpoises. Now flipper follows fishermen to get free handouts and eats everything that is released overboard, while in turn teaching it's young to do the same. It's almost impossible to get away from them now and they eat up all the juvenile fish that would normally survive. They seem to actually work harder chasing boats than they normally would fishing on their own.
Home remedies particularly so about the wisdom on the internet.. Do those things ever work? Oh yeah, laundry bleach wiped out my poison oak. Hope it didn't poison me.
Research seems to show that by increasing how much you give women in welfare, there is a proportionately higher rate of out of wedlock births. That isn't particular to the United States. A few hundred bucks more per month and people have more kids, including teenagers without a father in the picture or their own sufficient maturity yet to raise a child well.
Naw, Kev, I'm B type. A pacifistic type? Perhaps it has something to do with my returning my draft cards during Vietnam and telling selective service to shove it. I've never heard of the blood type therefore....before. People do believe in what animal is represented for your birth year and the consequences. My friends know I'm a cow, so they expect me to be late to engagements, which I usually am.
Ray, back during the salad days, after Bush/before Trump, we were listening to the news at the shop when the USDA reported that food stamp recipient numbers were up 46%. And they were proud of the fact. The very next thing we heard was a public service announcement from the USFS about why we shouldn't feed the bears because they become dependent on handouts. You can't get comedy like that everyday.
So would Detroit, from the sound of it, brother... lead paint and all. Ever think of moving?

Im settled here. Got my business and We have our house which has long been paid for and its pretty lead free. But lead is still an issue. I have an arborist friend who lives outside of the city in an agricultural area and his wife ended up hospitalised due to pesticide exposure. Its hard to find clean air, water and soil these days no matter where you go. Shit, you can't even eat the fish out of the great lakes for fear of mercury supposedly although I do.. I don't sweat it too much. My wife does though. If you live in an old house you have lead. If you live in an old houwe and don't mop and sweep, you really have lead especially if your a thumb sucker. I pop my kids hands if they stick them in their mouth. I love it here. Maybe one day we will get a house on lake Huron and swim everyday.
As for violence and all that. Its a drag, but we stay clear, our neighbors are great. We aren't door lockers or gun owners. We live in less fear than a lot of people I know in fancier neighborhoods. Not great pickings on my block. Much better places to go if your a thief.
I think it shows a lot of human development to not feel fear, whatever the potential is to be harmed. Fear is really a nemesis to enjoying life..
Ray, back during the salad days, after Bush/before Trump, we were listening to the news at the shop when the USDA reported that food stamp recipient numbers were up 46%. And they were proud of the fact. The very next thing we heard was a public service announcement from the USFS about why we shouldn't feed the bears because they become dependent on handouts. You can't get comedy like that everyday.
43 million Americans get food stamps. I guess it can be assumed that the people that do get them don't pay much in the way of taxes. The food assistance program costs the country around 70 billion annually.