In The News...

WTF is retarded about factual statistics? Blacks are incarcerated at 3x the rate of other races. The left says that's because racism but ignores the basic fact that blacks in general tend to be more violent than other races.

I think your inability to accept real life facts is retarded.

You my friend are a stone cold racist. Why is this kind of ignorant hatred allowed to go unchecked here? Where is the outrage? Instead, we get a few other experts trying to support their racist tendencies with "science" and so-called "studies". I for one have zero tolerance for this kind of hate and racism, so I'm outta here!
Kevin.....this is one situation that we need to fix, as the govt has been doing it wrong either intentionally or unintentionally for decades.

I am not sure why the govt torpedoed the civil rights movement, I guess to expand the welfare state and feed the prison industrial complex. Gave the lawyers something to do.
So your saying there was this splendid time to be a black man in America between 1865 and 1950 and its been downhill since then?
You my friend are a stone cold racist. Why is this kind of ignorant hatred allowed to go unchecked here? Where is the outrage? Instead, we get a few other experts trying to support their racist tendencies with "science" and so-called "studies". I for one have zero tolerance for this kind of hate and racism, so I'm outta here!

That would be your loss. I have black friends and also 3 black adopted cousins in England. I don't support the views of a lot of folks on here on a lot of subjects however we are all tree guys and are allowed the latitude to express our views in a somewhat civilized manner. If you cant see past some difference of opinions on this matter then you will also lose the wealth of other information and comradely that you could be part of.

Ignore those that don't jive with you
You my friend are a stone cold racist. Why is this kind of ignorant hatred allowed to go unchecked here? Where is the outrage? Instead, we get a few other experts trying to support their racist tendencies with "science" and so-called "studies". I for one have zero tolerance for this kind of hate and racism, so I'm outta here!

No, not at all....but there were better times than others.

Seems like every time black folks get going something comes along and wrecks it.

Usually govt policies.

Yes, I agree. This is a story of a vibrant community in Detroit that was razed to the ground. Businesses of all types. Black owned. Now we have churches, liquor stores, and beauty shops. The liquor stores are almost all run by chaldeans, the beauty supplies by Koreans. Blacks run the churches and barber shops.,_Detroit
If it's American government policies holding back black people, then let's look at the African continent. Why is it that people on every other continent has been able to modernize and develop and innovate? Africa is probably the most diverse and geologically rich continent in the world yet many of her people still live in grass and mud huts. Africans are among the most corrupt people on the planet. Tell me how American government policies are holding back Africans in Africa?

And Rico, you're way out of line, my friend. In my life I've had many black friends, classmates, co workers, employers and employees. Being able to observe differences instead of blindly pretending they do not exist is far from racist. In fact I think your attitude is much more intolerant than mine. You blindly dismiss me because I don't think exactly like you, that sure sounds prejudiced to me.
I read that before the 67 riot that black home ownership was at an all time high.

The whole Mississippi delta was cleared and owned by blacks.

Bad markets and banking policies turned black owned farms into white owned farms and black sharecroppers.

Starting the rise of the Delta blues.
If it's American government policies holding back black people, then let's look at the African continent. Why is it that people on every other continent has been able to modernize and develop and innovate? Africa is probably the most diverse and geologically rich continent in the world yet many of her people still live in grass and mud huts. Africans are among the most corrupt people on the planet. Tell me how American government policies are holding back Africans in Africa?

And Rico, you're way out of line, my friend. In my life I've had many black friends, classmates, co workers, employers and employees. Being able to observe differences instead of blindly pretending they do not exist is far from racist. In fact I think your attitude is much more intolerant than mine. You blindly dismiss me because I don't think exactly like you, that sure sounds prejudiced to me.

Ever hear of colonialism and the slave trade?
You guys are speculating, there is no fact of science that supports these claims, none....

I'm with Rico, this kind of nonsense should be spoken against, always. Not defended, wtf.
some of you try and hide your racism like a snake in the grass, not working, only looking more like an ass, in my opinion. Have some conviction, at this point it would be more commendable to just be honest say yes I am superior to xyz race. In my experience most racists have certain life problems that lead them to this disposition, major insecurities of some sort or another are rife in this group and manifest in some rather ugly ways.
Part of me is saddened that I started a shit storm that caused a member to withdraw, I apologize for that. Part of me is saddened that our brave fighting men and women have died to protect our free speech only to be censored here by a few. Life isn't an orange juice commercial people. Hollywood and the media have conditioned people to think life is one big Disney movie, it isn't, never will be.
Oh lord, bringing in the brave men and women, classic ploy for sentimentality to support jingoism, still a slight bit more cunning than the Charlie g references...
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Question- have any members here had an experience where they felt like the victim of racism? I'd be interested to hear the tales if anyone has them. I've definitely experienced racism towards myself, thankful not in any way that was very harmful, but have experienced it nonetheless. It certainly did not cause me to comdemn an entire race of people, it has always made me feel sorry for the folks who judged me in ignorance upon first sight.
I suppose we had better have someone decide what topics are racist and what aren't.

Is White privilege racist? How about the fact that the Jews and the Asians are leading the pack now? Ole whitey is right in the middle. Just ahead of the Hispanics and blacks.

Is it racist that the Jews and Asians have to score much higher than anyone in order to get into college?

How about wondering why after all this "help" from our govt that the blacks are still at the bottom, well, still at the top for crime and incarceration anyway. Wondering why the black still struggle with education?

If govt schools are so great, why is the black community still falling behind?

So, it was slavery that ruined it? In these modern times?

I dont buy that. Intact black families were the norm before the war on poverty. Now we pretend that black kids dont need positive male role models. Now the welfare state has taken the place of the intact black family.

I believe that is the cause of most of the trouble. Now we have all these black men locked up in jail instead of being home and working. So what do these kids know? They sure as hell have a hard time finding a positive male role model.

Regardless of race, children raised in single parent households are statistically more prone to crime. Of course that is not 100%.

So why did we feel the need to break up black families? The only reason I can think of was to expand the welfare state and provide bodies for the prison system.

So now we are caught in a circle of institutional hopelessness that is self supplying. Plus generation of people who were told that the deck is stacked against them, so why bother?

And now the blame is placed on individual citizens? Bullshit.