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Yes, but those are external, environmental factors. Beyond that, whats the difference?
Inclusion doesn't include free thinking and free speech huh, diversity doesn't sound all that diverse to me. Maybe I'm not bigoted enough.
Cultural heritage is more than environment. How people think and ties within families, for example.

Hmm, an interesting concept. So what about a group of people who's ancestors were taken from their homeland and had their culture removed, stolen, destroyed, etc.?

The point I'm making is, take any human child and put them in a certain situation the results will not be dependent on their race, I strongly believe that. I personally don't believe that there is any real difference between races other than circumstance. Even down to the micro level of genetics, there is only a tiny, tiny variation or difference between races.
Perhaps you could say that those people have another culture now. Say within that new culture is a certain work ethic that relates to income. Again, income relates to crime. What about religion?
Religion has nothing to do with race difference, in my opinion.

Back to culture, what were the driving forces behind the creation of this new culture? Is it slave culture, post slavery culture? I just really don't understand these perceived differences, the argument seems skin deep to me, literally.
Fair enough. But I think mistrust and misgiving between races is genetically programmed. Think about it- back in the cave man days you had your immediate group that you lived and survived with. If foreigners were encountered it frequently probably meant trouble- they would be trying to take what was yours for themselves. Throughout human history, people had to size up other people with just a look. And if people didn't look like the people you were used to, that could likely be cause for concern. And that deeply ingrained tendency doesn't easily disappear despite modern society that has many races living together unlike back in the day.

Most people are more comfortable with people that are like themselves.
The historical perspective makes sense, but we ought to be well past that in my opinion, and many are. If it was programmed then one would assume that it could and should be un-programmed if it no longer serves to our survival.
Makes sense, but I'm just saying that innate distrust is very deep seated because it was key to survival for tens of thousands of years. Not easily disregarded.
One thread I can remember made my stomach turn a bit and I knee jerked and called a bunch of members here racists and what not. Folks said, just because i use this or that racial slur in reference to an individual does not mean I am racist, just that person is a so and so... then people say, wait, there is a difference and it pays to be aware... I don't get it.
I didn't say 'there is a difference', I'm saying that difference or not, people often distrust or are wary of people that don't look like them because thats the way people lived and thought for millennia
I know that you did not say that, Cory. Others have, repeatedly, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the actual, factual difference beyond circumstance and skin tone, if there is any.
Somehow this clip comes to mind

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Jeezlus....I try to get everyone calmed down over yonder and it fires up over here!

Diversity of people seems to be okay.

Diversity of cultures and religions seem to be where it goes off the rails.

Some cultures and religions are just not compatable....even within their own groups.
I'm pretty sure the diversity Blacksmith was speaking of wasn't a catholic moving in next to a christian. or a protestant moving into a southern baptist neighborhood. It was people of color moving into his once all white neck of the woods. Debate without honesty is pointless.
Rico, one of the things about these discussions at a forum is that if you have followed what individuals say over a certain period, you much better understand their thoughts behind their posts. Posts can be interpreted differently. Jumping to serious conclusions and knee jerk reactions often really aren't very appropriate when you don't know someone very well. It might be courteous to ask a person to better explain themselves.

As far as racial diversity and crime and what someone has to say about it, even though you might be anti-research yourself, you know you can always look it up a bit before making haphazard responses over statements. You can become an authority in five minutes. :lol:
I live in a very homogenous cultured society, one with an extremely low crime rate, one of the lowest. Now with the influx of Chinese that have come here to live and work or are here illegally for what purpose only known to them, the crime rate is being affected. People are quite trusting here, I leave my tools in my truck unlocked outside my residence at night. Society worries about the change, it crosses my mind a little too now, folks here are really unprepared for it to escalate. Trusting souls are ripe for crime committed against them. Almost half of all crimes committed by foreigners here are done by Chinese. A certain racial diversity is making the country less safe. Now I've said it too.
That's pretty simple, there have been thousands over the years. Any report showing the race of arrested, convicted criminals versus the census numbers showing the percentage of races in the population as a whole. Doesn't matter if it's city, county, state or national.
The problem is you can not have a race with ( no other factors ). You can have individuals within a race that break the mold but a race by definition is a "group" of people that have identifiable characteristics that are different from other races.