Hunting 2015

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Trying to give them a reason to come visit my land often. Been in the works since 1994 and it is paying off. Dad said he has seen more bucks on a single hunt this year then ever.

He had ole slab a 7pt on down hill age wise and rack at 5yds. He wont shoot him, but I will. = Jerky

He had the 15pt at 25yds but no shot with crossbow.

He had 8pt 20yds dead in front of him and passed.
Hey, I love it! Nice buck too. It's great to see him still enjoying the outdoors, and even passing a good 8 point. I can't wait to see a picture of him with that 15 pointer.
My little bro got a better pic of dad and deer next day.

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The problem we have here with deterioratin of the roe deer is mainly doe to lack of natural predators, leaving the only predator, hunters, to take out the best part of the gene pool.
In other words, the part of the gene pool that would have been able to withstand natural predators, such as wolves and large cats, end up on somebody's wall.

Fortunately, we have had wolves imigrating from Germany, so we now, for the first time since 1866, have predators that don't kill the best specimens.

Hopefully that'll make the roe deer regain it's former strength.

Oh, did I mess up your hunting thread by mentioning that going for huge antler deer ruins the population in the long sorry!

But tell mewhere the hell else, I could have brought it up in the House and reached the trophy hunters ears.
The problem with that theory is thinking every hunter shoots a big buck. Big ones here are very wary, most bucks killed are are the smaller ones. While a predator may prefer an easy kill, they do occasionally kill trophies too. I've come across several over the years. I'm often in awe after shed horn hunting at the size of horns in areas I've hunted ave never seen those guys. I know nothing of roe deer though, only blacktail
Somewhat different situation here, with 177000 hunters out of a population of 6 million, and believe me, every one of them go for the big antlers.
From my Idaho hunting experiences, I know that a lot of western US hunters look for meat more than for trophys, that is not the deal here.
What set me off, was everyone admiring the rack on that buck, which was indeed impressive.
Who said he went for huge antlered deer? It came along and he killed it. In my state, if you want meat in your freezer, you can't always be choosy.

That buck passed his genes on for 4-5 years now. A 5-6 year old buck is past his sexual prime and isn't a breeding machine anymore. Killing him does nothing negative to the health of the herd. We have plenty of predators for deer in my state and our population of deer remains stable and healthy. There's no shame in killing a mature deer with a large rack.
That's a brute of a buck. Stig, most people in the U.S. go for big racked bucks too, but we have more of them now than ever before. Even though in your experience and understanding that is contradictory, it really shouldn't be. Deer are managed here (particularly on private land) to allow them reach maturity and given all the nutrients and feed they need to allow them to grow large bodies and antlers. Hunters on many properties cull inferior animals to allow the best bucks to breed and pass on those superior genes. The results have been pretty incredible, even in historically small deer states like mine.
Ray, that is what I want to see.
Hunters culling the inferior animals.
But in a country where hunters have been thinking that getting one with a bigger rack is the sign of a real man, that doesn't happen.
On opening day of roe deer season, most hunting/gun shops will have a competition in the evening, where whoever brings in the deer with the biggest antlers can win a price.
Not exactly conductive to good hunting practices.

Chris, I got all fired up, when everybody went " ooooh, look at the hat rack on that buck" and promptly polluted your thread with anti hunting stuff, which I had promised not to do. Sorry!

Actually, I'm not anti hunting, more like anti hunters. Danish hunters, that is.
As mentioned often before, Idaho was a mind changing experience for me in regard to hunting ( And lots of other stuff, such as horses)
We have competitions here like that too for both animals and fish. For most long term hunters it's not so much "imma real man", with blacktail it's generally a sign of how hard a guy worked/ time (years) put into scouting and learning an area. As well as dumb luck. Very few people bring in a big buck without working hard to get it. Not to mention just living hunting. My biggest buck was my best season as I passed up several smaller bucks that year and on the last day of the season I got that bad boy. I got to hunt as much as possible that year AND managed to bring one home. Any season I have had that I could've shot a legal buck was a great season. The rest were just good seasons;)
Chris Your friend got a nice buck!!...fill the freezer is what I like

Piss on Stig he's always a downer