How'd it go today?

I like that Jim. Great coloring on the leather. How does it work? IOW, I guess it hangs from a belt, but how with the horizontal slot?
Dropped 1/2 cord of dry firewood as a Christmas present for a client who slipped on an icy driveway and busted his knee. He could not believe it. Grabbed some nice cherry for next year. Be careful with ice patches, 1 second you are up, the next you are down and hurting.
I don't have twilight skies here. There's always a dull glow thanks to the local car dealer and their lights. I'd love to have your sky Jim, but not at the expense of no trees. I think Finland would be nice. Trees *and* clear skies.
Got to much " Dirty light" here.
Would take a nuclear explosion in the Thermosphere for us to notice it.
LED has got nothing to do with it here.
Too many people in too little space is what causes it.
We'll go steampunk with our space force, making America Great Again®

Good one, me too.;)

From where I stand, the economy is humming along quite strongly in large part due to dt's removal of many environmental safeguards. The most recent one was last week wherein any and all construction projects that cause harm to birds are now deemed to be no problem, no alternative or mitigating measures need to be provided to try to protect affected birds as was the case previously. Bird numbers are down by billions according to most-recent counts. This is one more insult.

As Stuart Udall said,' Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact, plans to protect man.'

I'd gladly take some economic slowdowns in trade for better environmental policies.