How'd it go today?

Jim, to hell with all that plowing. Get a Tucker Sno-Cat! Probably pay for one with savings in diesel fuel and track wear. Not to mention saved time.
I've been driving by this old homeless guy in a wheel chair for about a I asked him at the gas station, What do you need out here? Clothes? Sleeping bag? He said...Food. I want food.

I went off and did my errands...on the way back I stopped at the taqueria to get him a burrito... as I'm standing in line this other random homeless guy walks in and asks me if I'd buy him a taco...I said sit down and I'll be right there. I bought a burrito and two tacos...and a beer.

I sat and drank the beer with the guy while I waited for the food. Finished it when the food came up. Gave him his tacos and I was off with burrito to other guy...whom I couldn't find..some I'm gonna heat it up for him and give it to him tomorrow 6am when I drive by in the chip truck.

Whatever. Thought I'd share.

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Good work on the homeless Deva.

My assholery for the day.

Turned up at a job for (amongst othe stuff) the retopping of some oaks I did 9 or more years ago.

Client was a dick then, said he didn?t want to pay for chipping so we had to stack the branches around the garden, I told him we?d chip it whilst we did the job for free but he refused, at the end of the job he surveyed the massive pile of mixed up branches and asked if we?d chip it! I said no.

Fast forward 9 years.

I quote the re topping and a few fells around the property and he agrees to the price, but like I?m ripping him off, all sad and exploited. I say we?ll chip what we can and there?s already some mumbling about keeping the biggest bits.

The big day turns up and he?s ready, telling me that he doesn?t want me chipping stuff over 3inches diameter etc. This will slow us down on the job, jeopardising the deadline. The argument goes back and forth for a few minutes till he says we do it his way or not at all!

So we pack up the gear and frig off.

Lost a days money but no regrets.
An angry lot...youse tree guys.

It’s mostly my fault of course, I should have laid down the law during the quoting stage, but fudged it thinking I’d just say “yeah yeah of course” wait till he disappeared then chipped everything.

His zealotry and obvious commitment to oversee every part of the job (his son was there to help him) coupled with my bad temper and fatigue after a hard day yesterday contributed to a perfect storm of customer (non)service.

And yes Jim, I’m nearly always angry.
Congrats, Mick! Score one for our side! If people want to be assholes and tell me how to do my job then they obviously don't need me because they are smart enough to do it themselves. It usually doesn't take much convincing before I let them. I'd much rather take the day off than work for some asshole who thinks I'm trying to rip him off.
Good for you, i bet he shit when you actually left. I constantly see people getting pissed on by customers, and dont understand why. I work for myself, and i also choose customers appropriately. Your an asshole? Goodbye!

Last year was my road to redemption year, after a prior really shitty one. I read a book and it said 20% of people cause 80% of your trouble. Couldnt be more true. I fired about 18% so far, and things just keep getting better. LOL
I read a book once.

It’s just client stuff, I talk to builders a lot as a kind of small business brotherhood thing. Unlike them we usually don’t have to get on with our clients as it’s a one or two day deal.

It’s important you don’t let them bully you, but I err the other way sometimes.

Everything ultimately is my responsibility I guess.

I’ll pour some mouse cadet and put the footy on.
I have had some run ins in the past. Not saying that I am better than you guys at all.

I sold some straw bales to a gal once......for way under market value.....and delivered them.

She bitched about I told her forget it.

A week later she called back looking for more straw, and would pay extra.

Told her to piss off.