How'd it go today?

We just got back from a week in Gatlinburg Saturday night, so spent yesterday resting up. Rained all night, and sprinkled a little throughout the day, so I didn't get to work. Went to bid on a sweet gum to take down, and then reloaded a few rounds toward deer deason.
Today I was pruning a mediumish sized Silver Maple. The main center leader had been removed sometime ago, but there were alot of good sized lateral limbs left. I was working about 30 feet out from my TIP, limbwalking on a 6" diameter limb. At about head there was another limb, about 8" diameter running parralel just above the limb I was walking on. To get into position to make a cut, I threw my lanyard around the upper 8" limb. No sooner did I lean back into my lanyard and cccrrraaaaaaaaaaaack! The 8 incher I was bucked into broke off about 10 feet behind of my lanyard. I helicoptered around, twisting up in my line and lanyard, all while this 8" limb is hanging from my lanyard. I was in a pickle for a minute. I couldnt reach my hitch to descend and I couldnt muster the strength to get the limb outta my lanyard (it was heavy). Anyway, my GF came over to help, asked me if I was OK and fortunatly was able to reach up from the ground and cut enough weight of the limb so we could get it out of my lanyard so I could descend. I didnt get hurt luckily but it scared the shit out of me. Nothing like working away and crack, there you are hanging upside down with another 150 pounds of weight pulling on you. It was scary but a rush at the same time. Scary fun, like a haunted house.

Earlier in the day I was chunking down some logs in the bucket truck removing a large diseased Elm limb, and one of the logs I cut caught a low limb on the way down and bounced right at the cab of the bucket truck, had it not been for the headache rack, I would have totaled the hood and/ or windshield. Whew! Talk about close. The GF saw that one too, smiled at me and said,"you want a rope?" To which I replied, "Please".
Not one of my better days.

At least you were not in the middle of a cut with the saw running. I am glad you are ok... that is enough to get the ol' heart pumping.
Oh and to boot, the stop switch on my 200t stopped working today, so most of the day I had to choke it to kill it. That probably frustrated me the most.
Brett, glad to hear about your successful nutritional changes. I'd be interested in finding out more about that program if you'd like to email me any info you might be able to share.

John, sounds like an exciting day. I just replaced my windshield a week ago and I'm having a mini headache rack welded up for the truck now. Florida law provides that anyone with comp. and collision coverage on their vehicle will have zero deductible for a windshield replacement, so the glass was free for me. As for the cracked limb, that sounds like quite a potentially lethal accident. Glad you had the presence of mind to handle it calmly and safely without getting hurt.

As far as my day, I worked my ass off. I started off by climbing a very large live oak (for this area). About 4' DBH and 70' tall. I just had some minor deadwood and vine removal, and I took off a few low limbs over the roof. Pictures are in my camera which is still in the truck, I'll post them tomorrow if I remember it.

The rest of the day was clearing the back fenceline and demossing a couple other oaks over the house. I left the job at 4:45 and we were all whipped. But it was a 'no bid' job and a very generous and wealthy client, so we all made good coin today.
John, check the ground wire on the kill switch that comes out under the front of the handle and attaches to one of the screws that holds the rubber mount. The only 200T kill switch that ever quit working on me was because that wire broke. I crimp connected it back together and everything works fine.
Client picked up the 200t after the my guys left it sitting in their yard. Man that has had me frantic all day. Going to have to make some new policies tomorrow. :X
Thanks Brian, I'll look at the saw in the morning. After my day today, I couldnt punch out and get outta there fast enough.
If Brian's tip doesn't pan out, I had an issue with my 200 rear handle...don't think the switches are identical, but not looking at them both right now, I'm not sure...anyway, the metal strip that grounds when the switch is moved to off position needed to be bent a smidge to make solid contact. Might check that if the wire looks good.
Damn top, I think I would have had to change my pants for several reasons after that ride!
I spent the day in two closets, that we made into one big room. Knocked out two walls, both ten ft. high with a false ceiling in at 8ft. All lathe and plaster, then stripped out the rest of the walls, 17ft. both walls, ten ft. high. When that was done I got to start on the ten ft. ceiling, all lathe and plaster, so I could tear out the brick flue. Nothing but dust, dust and lots more dust!
Then I had to go help a buddy with his heater, it wouldn't come on, I looked at it and checked what I could check then called the guy that has ben working on mine and told him whats going on, one of the small blower motors was locked up. Five min. phone call, five min. fix, cheap and easy!
I'm beat now!
Jeez John that had to have been a ride.. NTYVM:|: Sounds like a hell of a day. Days like that I just want to pack it in like right now. Been known to do so.

Just took the day off myself.. Katy and I went down to the valley and picked up a load of lumber for the deck on the rental. Needs hand rails to be legal. Stopped and had a nice lunch and a couple more stores and came home. I just need to relax now and settle back in with the kids.
Strange day, Two HO are happy with us cutting their trees, then utility co. forester stops at our job sight shakes my hand, pats me on back and says what a nice job we are doing, Next HO is ecstatic to have us there and thrilled with our work, Then GF comes by and says "really nice work
I am not used to this at all.
I'm sure the rest of the week will have to suck, as we have used all our good luck in one day.:)
Strange day, Two HO are happy with us cutting their trees, then utility co. forester stops at our job sight shakes my hand, pats me on back and says what a nice job we are doing, Next HO is ecstatic to have us there and thrilled with our work, Then GF comes by and says "really nice work
I am not used to this at all.
I'm sure the rest of the week will have to suck, as we have used all our good luck in one day.:)

Almost makes you want to wear a cup to work tomorrow. :/:
Nother good day here, nice hourly job for a city i've been try to get work out of for years now. Lane closure on a bridge pruning for both highway clearence and bridge clearence. Kinda eerie hanging the bucket of the side of a bridge
We finished pruning a row of willow trees today that we started on Friday. Left the truck at the jobsite over the weekend. I kinda missed it.:(
Felled medium sized beech trees in the woods all day.

Nice crisp fall day, nary a cloud and no wind either.

Good to be reminded why I chose this profession:)
Pruning a big ass elm from over the side of a house and then 2 mins down the road we have a lil holly to knock over. Nice 'n' easy! And both jobs are in spitting distance of the sea......lunch break on the beach anyone?