How'd it go today?

I just took two boxes containing hitch cords, ropes, hardware, gear, etc. to UPS, to be sent to Massachusetts, and I nearly shit a brick when he told me that my 70lbs worth of equipment in 2x 18 cubed boxes would cost $238 to ship ground.

I was not financially prepared for that. But I have no choice. At least they come with tracking. I also returned four boxes, so I got $47 back, so that helped a little.

Now I just need to save up for my carry-ons for the plane. One or both of them will easily be over 50lbs, so I'm looking to feel the financial hurt again. But my luggage contains my most valuable devices and ropes and pulleys, etc. There's only a small section for clothes. I can always buy more clothes at Kohls once I get to MA. But I'll fit a few outfits into my luggage. Maybe two pairs of jeans and a few shirts.

Ugh. That was a huge shock to my budget. I wonder what the airlines will charge me. Good thing I've already stocked up on food and have NOTHING to buy except cleaning supplies to hopefully get my damage deposit back. But I've been living here for four years, so we'll see what happens. I've been cleaning nonstop for weeks to clear out the nonsense I've accumulated, and to get ready for a deep clean.

Wish me luck, guys and gals! This is so incredible stressful!
I also returned four boxes, so I got $47 back, so that helped a little.
Explain. Boxes are $12/each? We're talking cardboard boxes, right?

Shipping is expensive. I'm always shocked when I get the bill for a not terribly big box. I always use USPS. I consider it a donation, cause a good postal system is essential for a real first world country. Makes me feel a bit better about spending a fuckton on shipping, and it's still cheaper than hand delivering. Y'all are welcome.
Explain. Boxes are $12/each? We're talking cardboard boxes, right?

Shipping is expensive. I'm always shocked when I get the bill for a not terribly big box. I always use USPS. I consider it a donation, cause a good postal system is essential for a real first world country. Makes me feel a bit better about spending a fuckton on shipping, and it's still cheaper than hand delivering. Y'all are welcome.
2x18inch cubed double currogated boxes. I should have done USPS. It would have been cheaper.
I just took two boxes containing hitch cords, ropes, hardware, gear, etc. to UPS, to be sent to Massachusetts, and I nearly shit a brick when he told me that my 70lbs worth of equipment in 2x 18 cubed boxes would cost $238 to ship ground.

I was not financially prepared for that. But I have no choice. At least they come with tracking. I also returned four boxes, so I got $47 back, so that helped a little.

Now I just need to save up for my carry-ons for the plane. One or both of them will easily be over 50lbs, so I'm looking to feel the financial hurt again. But my luggage contains my most valuable devices and ropes and pulleys, etc. There's only a small section for clothes. I can always buy more clothes at Kohls once I get to MA. But I'll fit a few outfits into my luggage. Maybe two pairs of jeans and a few shirts.

Ugh. That was a huge shock to my budget. I wonder what the airlines will charge me. Good thing I've already stocked up on food and have NOTHING to buy except cleaning supplies to hopefully get my damage deposit back. But I've been living here for four years, so we'll see what happens. I've been cleaning nonstop for weeks to clear out the nonsense I've accumulated, and to get ready for a deep clean.

Wish me luck, guys and gals! This is so incredible stressful!
Routine day. Some property work at work. I washed Spot's blankets from winter, and washed my helmet. I've been meaning to do the blankets for awhile, but haven't made the time. She doesn't use the enclosure when it's warm, so it wasn't pressing. I wash them in a bucket with soapy water, and hang them on the clothesline. After a couple rains/dries for rinsing, I'll bring them in til winter. Exciting day :^D
Woke up at 3am so the family could get picked at 4am. Made it to the first flight but got delayed forty minutes due to weather. So we missed our second flight in Phoenix AZ by five minutes, so here we sit playing Uno at gate A11. It could be worse I guess.
Final run up to a summer vacation starting Saturday. Today, a little final chipping onsite for finishing a 21 hazard tree contract for an HOA.

Friday might have multiple snow-bent birches to prune. Not sure what I'll get into tomorrow.

New part-time college guy went home sick yesterday in the first hour. Back after July 5th. Doing an internship and a class, so probably a 2 day a week guy. Handful of days so far, going well. He's got a bit of experience, some good/ some to be corrected (give each other lots of working space and don't cut something held by another person).

My GF/ usual part-time employee is on a reduced schedule for the summer since there is no school.
Saw a fox tangling with a squirrel on the way to a job today. I guess foxes need to eat, but I'm always on the side of the squirrels. I suppose it could've gotten away, but it wasn't looking good for Rocky. OTOH. I saw Spot giving a lot of attention to the ground in front of her, so I went out to see what she got. I was enough of a distraction that the wren got away from her \o/. There's *always* a chance as long as you keep trying.

Also saw a dead snapper in the road across from the job. That's a bummer. The world needs more turtles.
I think I've finally reached a point where there's very little left in my apartment to throw out. I've also been deep cleaning small areas of my apartments as I clear stuff out, but there's still a lot of areas to deep clean if I am going to have any hope of getting my damage deposit back. I've made a list of everything that needs cleaning, and I still have a long way to go. I wasn't expecting it to take so long just to get rid of the crap I accumulated over the last four years. C'est la vie.

On the upside, I got invited over to this pretty neighbor's apartment yesterday. She and I have become quite friendly over the last several months. She knows I'm moving across the country, and she's actually moving to California in a few months. So dating isn't something that's an option. But "friends with benefits" is our official label, and that's perfectly fine with me, too. We had a wonderful time last night. Didn't leave until around 4am, and getting home was simple, since I can see her door from mine haha

It was definitely a boost to my morale and being with her helped me get out of my overwhelmed and anxious mindset for a night. It sucks, because I'd definitely give dating her a shot if I could. She's very unique, interesting, and attractive. But there are plenty of other girls in Massachusetts and I'm not sure I'm ready for another relationship yet. I definitely need to get myself situated, to get myself in order, and to feel better about myself and my life, before I can be of any real value to anyone else in a relationship.
My righthand neighbor(the McLouds/dumbasses that cut down all their trees) are shortening grass before 7am. Who the frig does that?! I'm already up and getting ready to head out, but there's a pretty good chance someone's still in bed and doesn't want to hear their friggin' mower doing nonsense work.

They're the noisiest, most irritating people. Nice enough I guess, but they have the sense of turnips. I startled awake one night, grabbed my knife, and listened closely. They're nextdoor demoing concrete at 3am. WTF?!
My righthand neighbor(the McLouds/dumbasses that cut down all their trees) are shortening grass before 7am. Who the frig does that?! I'm already up and getting ready to head out, but there's a pretty good chance someone's still in bed and doesn't want to hear their friggin' mower doing nonsense work.

They're the noisiest, most irritating people. Nice enough I guess, but they have the sense of turnips. I startled awake one night, grabbed my knife, and listened closely. They're nextdoor demoing concrete at 3am. WTF?!
Basic common decency is missing in too many people.
It's good that we have a law on silence- ,,Violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night, weekends and holidays is unacceptable.
Non-compliance with this requirement in the period from:
- 22:00 to 8:00 on weekdays;
- from 22:00 to 12:00 on weekends and non-working days of national holidays
, violators face administrative liability ( fine ).,,
Whereas invading the country next door is perfectly fine.
So I guess the Ukrainians can fell safe from bombardments from 22.00 to 8.00 on week days and 22.00 to 12.00 on weekend.

Violators will be fined! :lol: