How'd it go today?

Where are these chainsaws manufactured? Makes connections
CAIMAN products are manufactured in leading factories around the world. Russia, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Japan, Germany, China are only some of the countries in which we have reliable partners – manufacturers, suppliers, etc. We want CAIMAN equipment to be available to people all over the country, so we are actively developing our own network of branded salons.
Almost died today :^D Holy hell it was hot(95°). Helped Mike with white pine removal, but I wasn't all that helpful. Couldn't keep moving. No stamina in the heat. Mike did a great job. It was a ungainly tree with lots of forks that had to be dealt with. Day was alright, but I still almost died :^P

About 100 here. I knocked off at 3.
The damn tools and metal motor thingys are too hot to handle. No shade save under the truck or water breaks.
Accessories are figured out. 1/2 way mounted. Start on wiring and vacuum lines next. Need some new heater hoses. Thought I had some hose in the shop. Nope. All out. Probably have it's first start up after I hunker down Monday. Lotta interruptions sometimes.
Almost died today :^D Holy hell it was hot(95°). Helped Mike with white pine removal, but I wasn't all that helpful. Couldn't keep moving. No stamina in the heat. Mike did a great job. It was a ungainly tree with lots of forks that had to be dealt with. Day was alright, but I still almost died :^P

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You did ok. Just gotta work as your body will let you. You brought the chipper, did most of the feeding, sent everything up I asked for (and I’m needy), and did quite some bucking as well as some stacking. Oh, you blew off the driveway. Plus, you ran that rope perfectly. Not too bad !
Well, the new water pump is installed, ive just got a long wait till I can fill her up and move on with my life. Ultra Copper likes 24 hours to cure properly, and since I had to do some hillbilly shit, I'll let it have its time. There were some cracks that got gasket maker pushed into them while I said a prayer to any machine spirits that might have been listening.

Whether I like it or not, I'm in the market for a vehicle. Gertrude's list of issues is continuing to grow, and it will become an issue itself soon.

If the frigging boss would pay me what he owes me, on time, I wouldn't be in this situation. I'm gonna have to corner him this week and spell it out.

Anyone need a hand? I'm seriously considering snatching the kid by his ankles and shaking him til change falls out of his pockets. Then I'll take my last check and start traveling, looking for trees to climb that'll actually get me somewhere.

Not to stroke myself, but I'm a damn good employee. I show up early every day, work hard as hell, get along with everybody, I'm pleasant, quiet, and knowledgeable. I work to be an asset to any company, at all times. I deserve to be paid well, and on time. I should not still be living in my truck because of finances. I'm starting to get irritated.
Truck is back together and once again running like a top! I've got my legs back! Just in time to spend the evening with a lovely woman. I guess it's a good thing I texted the boss yesterday, to let him know I'd be late today, because I didn't get a wink of sleep. Burned a lot of calories though... Now I have things to do here in Showlow, and all I want to do is take a nap.

Seems that my weekends aren't intended to be restful. Either I have my daughters, which is a bit draining because they steal my bed and run me ragged, or, I'm spending the weekend with some wildcat, putting in more work than I do all week, or, I just work through them.

May have a line on a trailer, I'll find out more later today. With any luck, I'm about to be in the market for a place to park it. Best thing is, it's free, ive just gotta get it moved. I've got my fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath. I also may have found a rental, but it's kinda trashed, and the land lord says "I'll take any repairs off your rent", which is cheapskate for: "I'm not fixing it, I don't care". Are you gonna deduct the cost of materials AND labor? If so, I'll be living here for free for the next year or so, bud.

Anywho, feels good to have made some progress after a week of being immobile and at the mercy of the boss.
Things I saw today...

A ~7' silver maple stump...


A young white oak with a beautiful form. I'd love to have this tree...


Catalpa! I was pretty excited to see it still had beans on it. I picked a couple, fully opened them, and found... A stick inside?! Opened my tree app, looked it up, and found the seeds mature in autumn. So, I can't try to grow my own off that tree; not yet anyway, but they're cool looking trees...

22ft, fifth wheel travel trailer. Somewhere for my girls to be. The trick will be finding a lot, all the rv parks are full right now.

In other news, we're under stage two fire restrictions as of today. We can only run the saws between 6-9am, and the brush pit closes at noon. Gotta rearrange the whole schedule.