How'd it go today?

Well, I can still shit through a screen door without touching a wire, but I managed to hold my mud through the workday, and I didn't puke either. Still nauseous as all get out, and my belly is bubbling like a crock pot.

Pounded down pedialyte and other electrolytes all day, and of course lots of water. Dinner was a few salt and vinegar potato chips. Got some Vernors ginger ale getting cold in the fridge.

Yes a fridge. Young Buck is in the process of buying and moving into his sister's old place. With my truck down and parked at Sarah's, and him a week behind on my pay, I'm staying at the sister's otherwise empty trailer. It's a wreck, drywall missing all over, everything is broken. Turns out his sister is as trashy as my own. Crayon on nearly every wall, etc. It's bad, and I think the boss got screwed. 20240619_194750.jpg 20240619_194714.jpg

A whole family was in this trailer last week. They were living like this...
Cloud watching. Chilling. Lots of chasing each other around. Trip to the nearby park to play on the jungle gym and slides.

Also a visit to the Iron Hill Museum where his mother when she was 8 years old won the competition to name the taxidermy bear (“Blackberry”). A nice hike through the iron ore pits and spoils mounds along with some rock-hounding.

Best moment so far: as we were walking around the backyard to see what was new Lowen, who is 2 1/2 years old saw a bush in flower and said, “ Grandpa, look, blue flowers!”. I said “those are hydrangeas, can you say hydrangea?”. He stopped, turned back toward the bush, waved and said, “ Hi drangea” !!!


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@CurSedVoyce You seem to do quite a bit of trimming/pruning. That’s a good thing that people care about their trees in your area. Not all areas are like that, it seems.
There is a lot of un caring folks out here. Less ornamental pruning since it is basically wild land interface. That place is on a creek. Has some pretty trees. Not a ton of money there. But she has wanted that tree pruned for a while. Some of it is safety factor. Really expensive travel trailer sits near it and her BF parks his nice F250 on the edge of it. Soooo.
I did have some words with her. Her BF is kind of a busy body and a menace to the enviroment and work zone in his scooter.
Seems he has taken to broadcasting round up to cut down on mowing. He keeps it up, those precious trees will be quite dead. Told her to go look at a church that a grounds keeper kept doing that and talk to the people next door to it. Damn near lost every oak on the place.
Since the weeds are quite dead now. Maybe just use something to keep the weeds from germinating. Pre-emergent per haps. Still hard on the land though IMO. you can see erosion already happening from last winter..
I woke up feeling human today! Kaveman hongry too!

That bout with the icky was an unexpected morale killer. You never know just how long its gonna last, is it food poisoning or a stomach flu? Will it be 24 hours of misery, or will it stretch out for a week? With my truck down, 40 miles from work and such, I'm feeling kinda naked, and perhaps amputated, I gots no legs! So getting sick was like a kick in the nuts.

At this point, I reckon we may as well finish out the week, and I'll spend the weekend working on the truck. If the boss evens up pay wise, it'll be a fat two weeks pay, and my water pump is only 70 bucks. I may go out there with several gallons of water and see if I can limp the truck into Snowflake and the part store there. Far easier to work on a rig in the O'Reilly parking lot, than 15 miles from anywhere. Also, neither my ex or her doughy ass boyfriend work at that store, which means it won't be a total test of will to fix my truck.

Anywho, lamentations over, on to forward progress!
Waterpumps kinda suck. I've done two of them, and waaay underestimated the time it would take. You look at it and think "It's right there. I'll have this knocked out before lunch" Then reality sets in. "Oh, looks like I have to remove the ac". "Can't quite get that bolt with the alternator in the way". "FFS! Why didn't I take a picture of the belt alignment?!" :^D

I do know why I didn't take a picture. The last one I did was before I had a camera, but a quick sketch goes a long way. Even a Kyle crayon drawing would be fantastic when you're tired and greasy. and just want the stupid thing finished.
I woke up feeling human today! Kaveman hongry too!

That bout with the icky was an unexpected morale killer. You never know just how long its gonna last, is it food poisoning or a stomach flu? Will it be 24 hours of misery, or will it stretch out for a week? With my truck down, 40 miles from work and such, I'm feeling kinda naked, and perhaps amputated, I gots no legs! So getting sick was like a kick in the nuts.

At this point, I reckon we may as well finish out the week, and I'll spend the weekend working on the truck. If the boss evens up pay wise, it'll be a fat two weeks pay, and my water pump is only 70 bucks. I may go out there with several gallons of water and see if I can limp the truck into Snowflake and the part store there. Far easier to work on a rig in the O'Reilly parking lot, than 15 miles from anywhere. Also, neither my ex or her doughy ass boyfriend work at that store, which means it won't be a total test of will to fix my truck.

Anywho, lamentations over, on to forward progress!
It boils my piss that you’re waiting for your money.
Aren't you on a farm? Not really sure how that works. Might need a grading permit. I'd probably just do it. Put up silt fence so you aren't giving anyone reason to look too hard.
My house is on the farm, but technically not the same parcel. My grandfather bought from his grandmother in about 1950. Yeah, I'm not asking permission. Not sure how to build one, yet. The idea of a giant wood boiler that you fire on slabs once a month, or two, and having tons of heat is intriguing.
I have a new hobby. Making ridiculous Instagram comments. All kinds of random crap shows up in my feed. Today, someone was asking if anyone else mixes the pb & j in a bowl first. Yes, I do, right before telling it to rub the lotion on it's skin, or it gets the hose again. I think intense pain may be bringing out my dark side.
Got partially paid, and a ride to my truck. Brought several gallons of distilled water with me and limped poor Gertrude into Showlow. Parts are in hand, now its just the doing of it. I'm beat and really don't feel like starting this project at 8:30 at night. May go chase up some eats and a beer or two. Feels good to be home, lolz. 20240621_202535.jpg