How'd it go today?

its windy here, im stuck at home immobilized....osteopath cranked me good yesterday and now i feel worse! hopefully its part of the healing process. no doubt there be trees coming down today and i'll have 50 call outs that i'll have to turn away
I wotrked on my wndbreak project yesterday and should finish it today.

We feel your pain sotc. It could be worse. You could hurry to finish because you underbid and then damage something. That's alwlays an option.
its not very far under bid. theyre all tall leggy madrones with plants underneath. not much to break. i think it was the long day in the heat that whupped me. home by noon today!!
Supposed to be 105 here today.

The job I'm working on currently was originally planned for 3 days and will end up taking 6 assuming that we finish today. The last dozen trees are just huge and it is slowing down the chipping.
Finished one large silver maple in a day and a half for a whopping $775. At least two more big silver maples next week as well. Blech!
The rain wasn't looking promising for the pine this morning, so we went and gave a bid in a neighboring city, ate lunch, then I went to grind while Daniel worked around here. Knocked out 5 stump jobs ($675 and 1 freebie), chillin like a villian this eve.
I put together a bid on a decent sized job taking down four water oaks that are pretty big,and a HUGE red aok.There is well over a grand worth of timber in that one tree.I priced this job earlier this week...They called back today and said c'mon with it....So I said I'll be there Monday morning...I'm pretty booked on one and two day jobs,but this is the first really big job I've had since very early spring...I would rather be removing big hardwoods than just about anything else!!!...This job will be fun.
Almost finished taking down a 95ft albizia today. Wind was blowing pretty good. I still feel like I'm swaying back and forth.
I was clearing out some cedar brush, got hot, and jumped in the pool with the kids. Never did get back to the cedar.
I don't blame you... it's like Africa hot over there where you are!

I'll keep my highs of 77 right now... we might be pushin' into the 80's by the end of the weekend... heatwave!:lol:

Finished one large silver maple in a day and a half for a whopping $775. At least two more big silver maples next week as well. Blech!

Alone (not so bad) or with help(moose lip sucking bad)?

I went to the eye doctor. My eyes are healthy My prescription has changed too little to warrant a change of spectacles and I still don't need bifocals.:D
I then went and abused a couple of Ash trees by removing those evil lower branches per the customer's request. They look great but it wasn't a nice thing to do. :/:
I finished cutting on my wnd break project. But the groundies still have a dozen trees to chip. Also I had a rather unusual request a wireless internet provider that has a tower nearby contracted with me to cut three of the windbreak poplar trees down to 30' because it is interfering with their signal between a couple of towers. I'm going to go do that now while the groundies finish their stuff. It's going to look like a missing tooth.