How'd it go today?

he was on crutches and got along very well. down hill around a loop and back up with just a couple breaks.

frans we went to the "stout grove"
My wife managed to have me up by 7AM which is way too early on a Saturday if I'm not working,and I managed to go all day long without accomplishing a damm thing besides smoking two racks of ribs on the grill..
Yup, sounds like your day was a rousing success. ;)

Two jobs today. First was a single medium laurel oak removal, had it cut and stacked by 9:15. Second job took the rest of the day. 3-4 removals and a bunch of clearance trimming. The homeowner was one of those tree haters and every single tree or tree limb over his property was removed. :(

Oh well, I'm a tree whore and it pays the bills. Next week I get to clean up a 175+ year old live oak. :)
I wacked on some cottonwoods on that wind break from 6:00 am until about 11:00. My groundie is a soccer coach and he had a game at 2:00. Laid around the rest of the day.
Yup, sounds like your day was a rousing success. ;)

Since my wife works all kinds of crazy hours and usually during the week I'm gone at daylight and she's usually gone by the time I get home.I try never to work on Fridays or the weekends unless I'm very covered up or we're on a job that's pushing..I also like to try and spend as much time with my kids as I can.
Since my wife works all kinds of crazy hours and usually during the week I'm gone at daylight and she's usually gone by the time I get home.I try never to work on Fridays or the weekends unless I'm very covered up or we're on a job that's pushing..I also like to try and spend as much time with my kids as I can.

That will all pay off.
Today was a short one,10 hours.I'm off tommorow but will likely spend the day figuring out why Mrs Smith's Caddy is loosing oil pressure.I may have to resort to some of my old tricks that is seldom talked about such as slugging the bearings with shim stock.The damned thing is still too nice to throw away but too old to sink much money in.
I finished some lamp shades id been working on for a few weeks,Came up a treat!
I need to get myself one of those new age cameras,Its basically a tapestry with some hanging mirrors for my hide away room.
94 degrees here in the shade, too hot to even stand outside for more than a couple minutes. I keep opening the front door to go find something to do but then turn back around into the cool, air conditioned haven. Maybe I'll go up to 7-11 and sneak into the walk in cooler for a while.
Cool Willie! Glad to hear!

I just got home from lookin' at a job I got a call on... I really suck at giving estimates... Anyways, it is a 9 tree removal. Hems and Dougs. Couple of them are big 'uns. The guy I normally have work with me hurt his knee pretty bad doin' some stuff around his house, so he's out of the picture to help me out for now. I might be doin' this by myself.

It will be my biggest payin' job to date. The guy is in no hurry to get it done... just wants it done before the winter storms start up again. I am either gonna check with a loggin' company to see if they want the timber. It is all nice straight timber. Some nice BF. Or I can sell the stuff as firewood. We'll see. I'll keep ya posted, and actually try to get some pics of the job this time.:|:

The last couple of days have been nearly perfect. Raising the canopy over a long driveway, dozens of short, easy climbs with lots of long limb walks... shady, breezy, mostly by myself, only have to pile the brush every 100' or so. Hours are short, pay is excellent, work is precise... I wish i could do this all the time. Tupelo, white and red oak, elm and shag bark hickory... life is good. 8)
Well it is Sunday night and I just finished roto tilling a small flower bed for the MIL and mowing our lawn. I am thankful there is a holiday in the middle of this next week because we are supposed to have highs in the 100's and maybe even 110 on Thursday. It will be a hard week to keep the hard hat on my groundie. He always pulls it off in the heat and sets it somewhere. Then I have to be a nag and make him put it back on. I tried nailing it on but he put up a fuss about that. Sissy.
Well I had intended to work on Mrs. Smiths car today but more pressing matters came first.My danged iron filter was not working up to par so I delved into to that contraption.You can't wash white clothes with rusty water,ya know.

In between flushing the system and cursing a lot ,I put the finishing touches to port job on a 46 cc Poulan I've been tinkering with.The final outcome on the water situation is still up in the air.The saw needs a carb rebuild,damned thing won't idle,cuts good though.
I had a great weekend, some very good friends got married! The setting could not have been better, looking out on the Gulf of Mexico.