Man that sucks, Burn. Glad the prognosis is positive. Perhaps it was intended, or perhaps it's my bad taste, but I audibly laughed when you closed with " hit the fan."
I was/am planning to go to Orlando this afternoon in the truck, but the fan clutch went out on my F550, I heard a chatter/clank/clatter/noise while driving about, went to the auto parts store to see if they had an electrical connector I needed. Friend cam out to look at the connector, when I shut the engine off he noticed the fan was still spinning. Eureka, there's the source of that noise!
Got the part, normally sells for $180, got it for $120 with my "good ole boy" discount being friends with the manager and commercial sales guys (my age)

. The engine has been cooling off for near 2 hours now, the coolant is still 140*, the block is 120-130* according to the laser. I've gotta finish the job I was finish this afternoon after I change it out, hopefully it won't be too late to still head to FL. If it is, I'll just go in the morning, NBD.