How'd it go today?

I did a little wrenching this morning and had a redwood to shape that I really didn't want to do. I don't have the patience for that sort of thing, so I had my guy do it. As I predicted the tree looked worse after we got done and the HO was really happy.
The windows for the addition finally arrived at the dealers and are going to get installed today .

I talked to the framer and he said he thought they could handle the 9 footer .If too much for them I'll place it with the skidloader after work .Skiders have more usage that pulling over trees .;)
Moving right along Al. Pics!!!???:)

It seems that to be at the penultimate of any profession, a skidsteer is a must.:lol:
Bummer news wife called yesterday late morning from an ambulance...she was escorting her good friend and co-worker to the emergency room. Turned out to be acute perforated colon from diverticulitus...emergency surgery required, scheduled at 0100 this morning.

I dealt with taking care of her animals and retrieving needed items from her house, as her husband was out of town. My wife got home at 0630 this morning, went to bed, I went off to do animal caretaking and will pick up her husband at the airport mid-afternoon. He left his car in New Mexico.

On the up side, the surgery went well, she'll be in the hospital for a week or so, and have a second surgery in a couple of months.

She had almost no symptoms until yesterday morning, then it hit the fan.
Man that sucks, Burn. Glad the prognosis is positive. Perhaps it was intended, or perhaps it's my bad taste, but I audibly laughed when you closed with " hit the fan."

I was/am planning to go to Orlando this afternoon in the truck, but the fan clutch went out on my F550, I heard a chatter/clank/clatter/noise while driving about, went to the auto parts store to see if they had an electrical connector I needed. Friend cam out to look at the connector, when I shut the engine off he noticed the fan was still spinning. Eureka, there's the source of that noise!

Got the part, normally sells for $180, got it for $120 with my "good ole boy" discount being friends with the manager and commercial sales guys (my age) :). The engine has been cooling off for near 2 hours now, the coolant is still 140*, the block is 120-130* according to the laser. I've gotta finish the job I was finish this afternoon after I change it out, hopefully it won't be too late to still head to FL. If it is, I'll just go in the morning, NBD.
Man that sucks, Burn. Glad the prognosis is positive. Perhaps it was intended, or perhaps it's my bad taste, but I audibly laughed when you closed with " hit the fan."

It must be bad taste because I had the same reaction.

Good to hear she is doing better, Burnham.

Sounds like you dodged one Carl. Good to find that before hitting the road.
Damn skippy!

I noticed an odd noise when filling up the grinder and truck Saturday, but it was a one time noise and I didn't find the source. I'm betting that was the the clutch dying, and the noise I heard today was the fan trying to eat through the bearings and take out the radiator. Hadn't driven the truck since Sat.
Well the crew got my windows installed ,good . The siding comes in the morning,they should get that installed and perhaps the rest of the drywall .

With luck I can get the soffit /fascia installed and painted this weekend or maybe just part because I may work Saturday .That's good too ,I gotta pay for this thing ya know .
Man I wish I brought the camera with today. Went to work with Dad on a removal job after school today, and I got to climb and remove a 25" DBH hackberry. Dad left to go drop off a trailer load of wood, leaving me and 2 ground guys. I went up and dropped a few large stems, then came down and cut the rest from the ground. My biggest tree dropped yet, and man, it was a bit harrowing. It was close to a house, but had a positive lean away from it, towards a clear drop zone, with a pull rope, so I knew there wasn't a chance of it hitting the house, but still a bit scary when I started that back cut, since it was my biggest drop yet. But all went well and Dad was pleased with the results when he returned.

Also had a large audience the whole time through, which was a first for me.

All in all, a great day8)
My Shigo books arrived yesterday, and it rained a bit late yesterday so reading was a good option. Today we killed a 40' Spruce in limited space. First climbin' job in a while. Felt good and paid real well for less than a an hrs work!
Good deal, Adrian. I sometimes let my mind get away from me and start worrying about this or that. Trust your skills/math and rock and roll. Regardless of what happens, act like that was your sole intention.

Shigo books and tree killin in the same day, crazy world you live in!
Actually I was kinda suprised. Alex believed a chainsaw could be a research tool along with a pick and shovel! I sure am disappointed I didn't get to meet him.

Adrian, like Carl said, look at the situation and apply the fundamentals and all will usually go well, I don't know about the "sole intention" business though. Humility is a great thing to have.
This is how we learn Adrian! Sounds like a kick ass day to me!

Went to move some boxwood bushes this morning, HO only had two trimmed back (thinning bushes isn't my thing really!) out of the five. I got them moved and my back was screaming! A bit too early for that much shovel duty and lifting rootballs.
Dad called, he wants to get his Model "A" pickup ready for next weekend so he can drive it. He has an original '28 tag for it and needed it cleaned up and painted, by tomorrow? It's done, not my best work, but it's done.
Road tripping in the am. Buddies daughter's car blew the engine, A J's teacher none the less! I found them one, '02 Nissan Maxima, with 76k for $700 with a year warranty. Three hours each way, they buy the gas, beer and two meals, shouldn't be a bad day :)
Take care of that back Andy... You ain't gonna do anyone any good all laid up.

Nice Adrian.. Always feels great when your watched and all goes as planned :)

Sorry to hear about your wife's friend Burnam. Hope she pulls through ok.

What Mike said Carl.. That would have been a real bummer to find out about it on your trip .....

Took down a 24 DBH 65 plus foot tall Canyon live oak next to a house and electric service.
Also pruned back a good sized leaning Black oak over said rear of house with a balcony.. Not too tight to the roof, but tight enough to make it interesting. About a 60 foot ascent before I could start advancing my line higher towards the tops.
Lowered most of the black oak and 1/2 the brush off the canyon live oak.
I be tuckered. :P

Hope the checks roll in on these puppies sooner than later :)

Came home to a couple calls too.. Cool :)
I've seen a tree guy that I highly respect, make a bad bad mistake (no injuries involved), and never lose a step after the first couple minutes of self analysis. Everyone else working on site was pretty zombied out. Pretty darn impressive. The roof was a mess, actually some of it was missing, but he kept his funk....

Not sure about the people inside the house, though. :O
...I don't know about the "sole intention" business though. Humility is a great thing to have.

Basically I mean keep your composure. When something goes exceedingly well, don't act like an NFL player. You did your job, big deal. When you mess up, don't freak out like a mouth breather, it fixes nothing.

In other words, be coooool. 8)
I totally agree with that, and will add; learn from your experience, good or bad! And none of us are ever too old to learn. Thats what keeps us alive!
I totally agree with that, and will add; learn from your experience, good or bad! And none of us are ever too old to learn. Thats what keeps us alive!

All day in the rain here and I so wanted to burn my debris pile but to beat for that after loblolly's in the wet but had to be done leave for VT sat am.
Did a nasty couple of firs today. The large one was failing towards the home. Major fresh opening of earth on the backside of it. The 2nd was about a foot away and was failing in nearly the exact opposite direction. Had nowhere to throw the top of the large one and had to rig it off itself. Was real freaky, but it went smooth. I had guyed the two failing trees to each other for support as they were failing in opposite directions. It did make me feel a bit better, but not much. They were both perfectly healthy looking trees that had just started falling over. Shoulda had a camera.

Heading out to sign an extension on my offer on my new place. Financing is approved, I can just swing it all barely, but leaves me with no safety net whatsoever. I'll "own"(read mortgage) three homes if this happens and I'm used to sitting on a pretty good buffer for just in case. This'll tap me out well past my comfort zone, but I should be able to make some bank back up fairly quickly, I hope, if nothing goes wrong. Yes I'm kinda nervous.