How'd it go today?

Yeah, I'm booked up for a week. I'm reluctant to say anything for fear of jinxing things. I have 12 pistachio trees to remove in a road median tomorrow in Fresno.
Today was great; lodged a nice half inch long date palm thorn into my large left toe. Not surface kind but actually lodged straight in there at the top near the nail. I'll try to get some pics of what they pulled out. A scalpel, five to six shots of lidocaine and two nurses later and it's out!


Yeeowch! Those things burn like all hell, let alone lodging it under your nail!
Nothing about that sounds pleasant, much less fun:cry:!!

The rain we weren't supposed to have, finally quit this morning. Took Bubba to a farm pond. It's a no win proposition with him! He got bored catching too many fish:P
Just a couple of pics:


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Got to kill a little tree today, volunteer big leaf maple, like my sneer in the second pic? lol.


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Today sucked for me. It was one of those days when nothing clicked. It was like a struggle to do one little thing in the tree. All I did was a Pine(took my over an hour:X) and a Locust that I didn't finish(no big deal there though)

So for the rest of the day I was foreman and groundman. Our two rookies got plenty of experience in today. Mostly Pines.
I was strapping down the mini loader on my trailer this afternoon when one of the tie-downs popped loose and smacked me in the noggin. I guess I didn't have it clipped on all the way. I said, "Ouch!"


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I've had worse. It did bleed a lot, though. I thought it got my eye at first, because all the blood ran right into it.

No stitches, just alcohol and peroxide.
So I bid on a silver maple to remove $400. No stump grinding(i don't have one) last week
one tree severs bid $560 with sump removed. Well i received a cal from the home owner he had some one ells do it for $200. I was told that i could not just drop it.It need to be rope out(close to the house and power lines) about 8 hrs work with roping it out. so how could he do it for $200 or is the times that tight? O well easy come easy go.
easy on the peroxide, last I heard it was no longer suggested as it did damage to the good cells as well as the bad. Heal up Brett.
Great day yesterday taking out two nasty removals, both with trunks growing out over primary lines. Everything went better than expected and finished them both before I left for vacation. Just wish one of my guys had had time enough away from the ropes to take some pics.
Today was OK...sitting in B.A.T. class getting ready to take Cert. test.
I have an acquaintance who lost an eye to that same incident. The hook on a black rubber bungee let go and hit him in the left eye. I now waer saftey glasses anytime I put a lot of stress on a bungee.
Sunny day...returned some tools this morning, finished the wood work on Ashly's steps, bought a roll of Stihl chain, ordered the spinner/breaker from Baileys, looked at a job, and bagged that one and another.