How'd it go today?

We have a hard enough time convincing Haley that the mommies and daddies kiss is inappropriate for kids, let alone explaining anything else at this point.
YUP! Lilly is just starting to want kisses and we keep it on the cheek and forehead.. Seth and Levi are cheek kissers... I know we have more splainin to do... but for now they accept it is different for momma and daddy.. :) Seth is past just walking in the door.. But he puts Levi up to it now...:lol:
Gorgeous day here. Washed my bike this AM, went riding about noon. Just got back for something to eat.

Tonight I start disassembling the front end on the Ford for bearings, ball joints, and brakes. Have to start tonight so I could drop off the axle shafts at the shop to get the seals pressed on. Greg's coming over to help so maybe he'll do a side while I do the other. Gotta love Greg.
I irrigated my walnut trees this morning, went back to bed then at about 10:00 my son called and his car battery was dead so I brought him the charger. Been laying around ever since.
I went and set a line in my practice tree and did several up and downs SRT just to dial in some stuff for tomorrow... Sweaty and tired now I might run to town and get some beer or sumtin...
Practiced some knots and friction hitches just for measure too :)
Set up some simple rigging off the Farmi and winched out a tractor that's been buried for a few weeks. Got it home, will go out discing 'til the wee hours after I finish my pizza. Two days of clear blue, don't want to waste it.
So much for that idea, the lights don't work anymore.:X I hate it when people work on stuff and they don't put stuff back the way it's supposed to be.:what:
did an estimate this morning, did up an insurance valuation report for a charred front yard, second one on the same street where an in construction wood framed condo building went up in flames a couple weeks ago. then a little more paperwork, had a friend visit for a couple hours, had supper (homemade taco salad) and now I am fixing to take the boy for a walk in the stroller, see y'all in a while.


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Tore some muscles under my left rib cage from sternum dowm. Sounded like a fire cracker and thought I broke a rib. Just cutting a swinging a limb. Must have over extended or something.Guess I'll be out of commission for a tad.
The Monarch lathe has a screwed up R-C circuit for those with an electronic mind .

It seems the R-C circuit controls the firing rates of the thyratron tubes .Oh boy,that joggles my mind back to a time when I had one .:roll:

In other news I unloaded about a half a truck load of oak to finish off a 7 cord stack .--Old Al will survive another northern winter
I pruned the bushes next the driveway weed wacked drank some UFOs and now Im headed to bed.
Moved a couple hundred yards of chips to make more room in a dump spot. Saw my brother for his birthday. Just chill'n. 3 days with no rain, it feels wierd.