How'd it go today?

Tucker, that does suck. do you have a state or otherwise landscape association that might be able to give advice or other help?
Paul, I'm in the initial stages of legal war so I havent made it that far yet. The customer's husband is a hotshot doctor and his 2 brothers own a big law firm around here. I didnt want this but I cant let someone own and abuse me and my business just because of their last name. I'll tell the story in detail tomorrow. I need to just try and clear my head this evening.
Tucker, The best defense is a pulverizing offense. Mechanic's lien and counter suit. Don't forget Guido and Tiny.:D

I went fishing (lots of good fish the BIG one straightened the hook) and took a nap. I'm behind on work due to rain and fatigue. sometimes the bets way to catch up is to take day off.
Today I went to Long Island and visited the Treewisemen. Came home with a trailer and grinder, it followed me, I swear.

I ended up getting my money back on the trailer I went to PA for, wasn't happy with it for a number of reasons.
Side job went well today,all done in 1.5 hours for $200

Saving to buy some climbing spikes.
Pruned four massive white oaks today. Took 9 hours, and I am completely exhausted.
Just got back in from the Ohio comp. Man, what a blast!!!!!! I ended up as a helper in Aerial Rescue, and worked with some great guys. Even got to work with Rick, the current KY champ! Didn't get to run the work climb at all, but I did help break down the AR tree. Went up about 60' or so in a nice Oak.

The master's was a blast also!! It was a big ass Bur Oak with limited tie in options. It was so wide we ended up using only 1/2 the tree. Guys had a tough time with the throwball, because it was so thick. Overall though, they all did very well and no one can be bumped down for lack of trying!

I'll try and get some pics up soon. I don't know how many we took, but a fair number I believe.
Pruning the second Silver Maple today in the neighbors yard. They went off on their honeymoon last weekend, and we decided as a wedding gift to clean up their trees on the weekends. The two front Silver Maples have been topped out before, so anything above 40' are mostly suckers.

Also wanted to again hail Gerry and his DVD's! When I reached one of the sucker tops, I took his idea of tieing into multiple tops and ran my friction saver through the branches of two 3 or 4 inch diameter sucker tops. It has worked out great and it gave me that much more confidence in my tie in.
I went for a long walk with a really nice woman this morning... and inexplicably she still likes me.

So I'm calling it a damn good day.
MAN!!! I have had a GREAT weekend!! AWSOME weekend!! Got the truck washed and detailed Friday so we had a clean ride for the wedding that night. Went to the wedding. It was simplicity at it's finest! MAYBE 50 people and a ten min. ceremony! She dropped his ring on the deck so we helped tear up the floor to find it, no biggie.
Shot the breeze then came home and loaded up the truck to go fishing.
Two other buddies, one of their wives, and my wife all went. Yeah, my wife went, it was COOL!! Buba was at mom and dads for the night. We fished and told lies until around 1am then came home and I kicked everyone out:D
Then I woke up like this::D
Trimmed a Silver Maple and eveybody got paid well on it. I bid it high!
The neighbor who just got divorced was having a birthday so we did a shrimp boil. MAN THAT WAS GOOD!!! Five pounds of new potatoes, four pounds of corn on the cob, five pounds of shrimp, one pound of crawfish meat and two seasoning bags!!
Then we went fishing:lol:
Watching the race now:D
To the family for a walk around the river and a visit to Harvard Square

Had a nice time, did some shopping, had lunch at an outdoor cafe and just generally tried to get good at schleping the kiddos around.

Heading for the Cape tomorrow after work. wife is going to spend the week there with some family and I am going to try the commute to see if living there in the summer is a good option.8)

I love this time of year...
It's still a haul, man! It took me an hour and a half to make it to Barnstable from Foxboro on Thursday. It will be worse for you actually heading into the city.

By the way, Rt 28 still sucks, as well as the frikken rotaries. :pissed: I would have stopped by, but I just wanted to get in, get to court, and get the heck outta there.
Got a call from a good friend this morning saying her youngest brother that i've known since he was 5, got a helo ride out of the woods today. He just graduated and started logging a couple weeks ago:( Sounds like it's not life threatening now but his nose is mashed and his lip is questionable if it can be reattached. Were all just glad he's not dead or crippled at this point
Got a call from a good friend this morning saying her youngest brother that i've known since he was 5, got a helo ride out of the woods today. He just graduated and started logging a couple weeks ago:( Sounds like it's not life threatening now but his nose is mashed and his lip is questionable if it can be reattached. Were all just glad he's not dead or crippled at this point

Willie, any word on how he got wacked? I hope he's OK.

Greg, sounds like a fun week. I haven't been to the Cape since I was a kid. I imagine it's changed a bit in 40 years.
Sounds like a cable may have hit him in the back and slammed him into a log face first.
Sounds like they will do surgery on his nose and lip today and put a plate on his cracked chin and relocate his jaw. They thought it was broke but xray said different. He is kinda doped up and in and out but cracked a joke to his sisters, kinda makes everyone feel better