How'd it go today?

You can put down all the rosin you want Andy... it won't stick.

You need RESIN for that.
Another day with awesome weather. Put up 9 sections of fence with my bro to get a day ahead for the upcoming week. Just got home and cleaned the carb in his auger, he doesn't take care of anything.
Whatever you call it if you get it on your hands it has to wear off because nothing will touch it but acetone .

I've glassed rusty gas tanks and they never leaked a drop afterwards . --Poor people have to do poor peoples ways at times .;)
You can put down all the rosin you want Andy... it won't stick.

You need RESIN for that.

Depends on what you are mixing together Eric.

I did composite tooling for six months, that was six months longer than I should have worked there!!
Worked with Hemp, plaster, fiberglass and carbon fiber. I still have shirts that make me itch!
Killed the rest of the mistletoe in that oak I had about 1/2 done. HO said to go ahead and take tops I needed to as they were infested into the main leader. He also sent me a photo shop of some pruning he wanted done to it. :D This tree is done till he gets back in town ;) I'll post some pics in a bit. Took the kids as Katy was my spotter/groundie today. Made it a family affair :D
Did an estimate this morning on a fire clearance weed eat and got two TDs ala Very dead Bull pine too :D
Took Seth with me and stopped at a clients to weed eat the dog run (it was clean ;) ) and got a tip and. Took Seth to lunch and picked up some more mistletoe supplies for the home front. Well sorta. Going to be making a vacation rental out of the other house so I get paid to do the work :D
Yup, going to incorporate ;)
Came home to a TD check :D <--- Very big smile
Sending out the mistletoe billing and ..... well... we'll see how the day progresses... Good day so far. Oh, and went by a pruning job I had done in Jan. and the trees look good. I will be able to lower a bit more next year under some services :)
Have to check on her Mulberry that was not doing so well now that we had some good rain this year.
Steve I need some Business cards. There is a live oak in town that needs your help. I want to drop your card by them, it's at Burger King and they have about helped the mistletoe kill the tree. You should see the dead, the concrete and the compaction. Not to mention the high dirt on the skirt :(
Easy day at school today. Tomorrow starts state testing for high school. Looking forward too it, since I get to miss my first 2 classes for tomorrow and Wednesday. No English and Geometry again until Friday!!!!
Climbed a row of cypress trees to thin out the limbs. Used a two lanyard system mostly throughout. The trees had been worked on before, so nothing extended out too far. My arms are about to fall off, I think from holding on (I get skeered), and there is one big bruise :(

Got to go back and finish when it stops raining.
Whole herd escaped again.....I think I have a bad cow....she's learned that if she runs at our bad fences enough, she can break through. I think she may be on McDonald's menu shortly.

Of course it was raining....but got them all back by the time my husband got home to help. What a day. Tomorrow I'll spend the day putting up electric fences so I can turn them into another field.

Daylily orders are starting to trickle in....I sure like growing better than selling.
Whole herd escaped again.....I think I have a bad cow....she's learned that if she runs at our bad fences enough, she can break through. I think she may be on McDonald's menu shortly.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: So much for my nice clean monitor... :lol::lol::lol:
Years ago I dumped brush at a private dump and the owner also kept cows. They all had names, one particularly adventurous cow was named 'Hamburger'.
I used to have a rooster named "chicken soup".

And one morning... after a bad night... he lived up to his name. ;)
Treehouse cookout at your house?:D

Maybe so....8)

She'd probably make for some good eating. She's gotten out into all the lush grass on all the surrounding fields. The last field I had to pull her out of she'd eaten so much she couldn't get back in through the original hole in the fence.

'Well marbled', I'm sure.