How'd it go today?

back in the saddle with crane....:D
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...their mother, who speaks little english, insisted she be invited and she needs translators:lol:

Greg, I thought you told me that was just the average blend of Providence and Boston-ese.

So I guess that I was not crazy when I thought it was a non-English language. :P Hopefully I'll be passing through in a couple of weeks when my truck is ready.
Worked on my truck today and did a couple of bids. Here is my truck before I started carving on it, after carving a gaping hole in it, with the radiator sitting in it's own gaping hole.


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I think you're talking about the two angle irons sticking up off of the bumper. The radiator right now is just resting in the bottom support which I cut and moved ahead a couple of inches. It's not supported on top in that picture. The angle irons are for the transmission cooler. Which I'm not planning on changing.
Whoa,,, Some major grill surgery there Steve. Going billet when you put it all back together? :D Or just the brutal beast look ?

Had a good day today and beat out the rain. Got to the first job and cleaned up, bucked and burned some downed trees to prep for the weed eat. Then dropped a 55' Bull pine and burned that. Got done early and the HO has about enough fire wood for next winter. Moved the gear next door and took down the ugly stick I was supposed to yesterday and got rained out on. Beat the rain and headed home.. :D
It's going to be somewhere inbetween Stephen. I'm going to put a new cover over the tranny cooler that will cover up the brutal beast/white trash dude with a sawzall look.
Well my 'emergency' job this afternoon was definetly not an emergency. Just a crappy looking old co-dom, but I could see no signs of it coming apart. Regardless it bit the dust and I got paid.:D
It was an 'emergency' because the owner just now noticed it after it's been that way for years. :roll:
That just means that they want to pay extra for the removal. ;)
Nah, Steve; I was wondering why you had to cut the core support for the radiator, is all.
15 fruit trees-8 of which needed crown restoration having endured incompetent butchery a few years ago. Blew like greased corn through a goose today .
15 fruit trees-8 of which needed crown restoration having endured incompetent butchery a few years ago. Blew like greased corn through a goose today .

I think that same goose was visiting over here yesterday...

I've had several calls in the last few days: "I have 55/90/30 apple trees that are pushing buds already. Is it too late for winter pruning?" :whine: Why didn't they call 2 weeks ago?

Oh, well. I'll try to sell them on codling moth control and whatnot...
I think that same goose was visiting over here yesterday...

I've had several calls in the last few days: "I have 55/90/30 apple trees that are pushing buds already. Is it too late for winter pruning?" :whine: Why didn't they call 2 weeks ago?

Oh, well. I'll try to sell them on codling moth control and whatnot...

I had one of those also. Going to be a summer prune instead, to close to fireblight season now. I told her to get traps for Coddling moth and maggot detection. How are you selling the service?
Well, I'm not yet....still waiting for callbacks on a couple of those. But like you said selling codling moth pheromone disruptors and maggot traps. I sell it as organic orchard management. I figure even I just go out to talk to people about it a fair amount of them will have me back to do the pruning. And I've got nothing but time right now...

If I really want to get into orchard work, it might be worth investing in a spray rig at some point.
Loaded my firewood guy's trailer with logs from last week's swamp job. Moved the logs out to the street and ground the stumps Panther style last night since they were calling for rain.

Fixing to slay a pine then bids this afternoon.