So earlier this afternoon I'm supposed to go and do a little chipping job for a dude that I did a couple of removals for on saturday. He was gonna do all of the clean-up himself but after one truckload he did while I was there he decided to organize it all and have me come back and chip it. That's cool I explained to him how I wanted it layed out so It wouldn't be in one giant tangled pile and what not. Well after getting all ready driving down into town to his place, no brush in site cleaned right up. I mean he could've atleast given me a call to let me know. Wasting my time and fuel, next time he calls(if he does) there will be an extra c-note going on his quote to make up for lost time. Shoot I mean what's up with people I did two other small jobs for his neighbors on saturday that turned it into a long and profitable day, everyone seemed real happy