How'd it go today?

I'll take some pictures when I clean it all up in there. It's a real mess because the the original fuse for the murphy switch was by passed, so there are huge masses of different wires all bound together with little plastic cinch straps in tons of random spots....

uhg... It'll be the first thing on my to do when I have a warm day list.
I am at home nauseous with a fever otherwise I certain I would have been able to spel nauseous without the help of spellcheck. Anyone want to stop by Boise and do a couple of bids for me?
Sorry Darin, almost in the same boat as you. I have only been able to stay out of the bath room long enough to catch up on the monthly spread sheet data entry. Least the books are up to date on time :)
I'll be happy to bring my bucket truck and come work for a per diem rate plus travel expenses. Idaho might be a bit of a drive though. :(
Anything in the SE would work.
Traveling would be great right now IMO. I wonder if I could get work as a traveling sub with truck and chipper? :/:
Wind, WIND and MORE WIND!!!
Got mama a new toaster. Yeah, pretty exciting day!!!
Tying to figure out what I can do to entertain Dave when he comes in. He thinks he wants to work:?:P
It might hit 43 with more WIND, rain and snow as a posibility.
Nothing I have lined up sounds like much fun that day! A leaning Elm TD, tear out a driveway, form and pour, and build a roof on the back of a porch.
Not much fun in 30MPH winds.
I am having to get creative now, wonder how mama would feel about us spending the day at the nudie bar:lol:
woke up late, organized some receipts, went tire shopping for the wifes car, hit the sushi place for lunch, came home and did the rest of the receipts (all of 2008 ) so I can drop them off at the accountant this week so he can start on my taxes. texting carl who is a few hours from home on his return trip braggin up his gas sipping car again :P

fixing to take Bub for a stroll when he wakes up, might go to the bank to deposit a few checks from the last week.
3 half days of miscellaneous pruning ahead.
Took the chipper to carlton today. Nice ride(2.5 hours) hoping they have it fixed by tomorrow. Keyway sheared going into feed roller. Ongoing problems after last shop worked on it.

The repair guys at carlton know their stuff, there was zero time wasted getting to the root of the problem.
Personally Today,
I watched two guys climb and lowered some stuff for the morning.

Then after lunch I set a line with the cool Big shot then footlocked up to a nice crotch.
Asked for my spurs and rigged out two euc branches.
Then I came down and raked the road and used two blowers at once and licketey Split is was time to go home.

Oh and apparently the Bucket truck may be stuck in 4x4.
Doesn't feel like it though we sent it to the shop just the same.

The crew has to climb while it's down
so I'm making sure everyone takes their turn.
We have about another week of high side pruning these 100' eucs.

No spurs, Climb Bucket Boys, Climb!
I had idea what was wrong with it. I was under the impression it was a hydraulic problem. I have not been able to chip consistently for about a month now. Its been in and out of a local shop more times than I would like to count, I was at my wits end.
Two blowers at once is cool Deva! I was doing that getting rid of leaves.:D
I had idea what was wrong with it. I was under the impression it was a hydraulic problem. I have not been able to chip consistently for about a month now. Its been in and out of a local shop more times than I would like to count, I was at my wits end.

Copied this from your thread about the chipper.

Maybe check the connection between the hydraulic motors and the feed wheels?
Steve Hansen cool knitted stuff by my kid