More biners!!!
That's it. That was Carmichael, CA today.
And another fine report from Mr. Deva...haha.
love that climbing test.
That's it. That was Carmichael, CA today.
And another fine report from Mr. Deva...haha.
love that climbing test.
That was a buttload of wood, Holy Cow !!!cut up a pecan tree that failed at my grandmas house
We're still doing that by thinking a bumper sticker will support our troops.
Nice looking stumps, Deva. Too bad for me that I'm blocked from youtube, but such is the agency slug life.
Nice looking stumps, Deva. Too bad for me that I'm blocked from youtube, but such is the agency slug life.
Same here Burnham... our "Uncle" is lookin' after us.Gary
Agreed. I do get to look at this stuff (TH) at work... but you would be shocked at how many people get in trouble every week for looking at unauthorized stuff on the internet at work.
To be sure...I recall hearing of a District Ranger getting fired a year or so ago for internet ****, his FS computer was full of it. That's a GS-12 or above job. Can you imagine being so stupid? 20+ years of service (and investment in retirement) flushed down the drain.
Hey - I got canned for questioning the acquisition of minor female girls for a strip-poker game at Camp David. Of course I was also moaning about the lies of the Bush Administration.
Now this was just the most hilarious politically in correct thing I have heard in some time. Thank you Darin. I really needed that right nowI was something even more practical, an Indian Guide. Nothing says cultural sensitivity like a bunch of white kids running around in loin cloths over blue jeans, wearing war paint.