How'd it go today?

I had some stumps to grind at the Oakdale golf course and I have to haul the grindings. It is about 45 minutes away so I took the grinder there and left it in the parking lot, came back got my guys and the dump trailer which was full of chips from yesterday (yes I worked on Sunday) and dumped it on the way there so it took a little over a hour to get there. About 5 minutes from the golf course it starts raining like a son of a gun. The groundskeeper says sorry it's too wet. So I haul the dump trailer home, then make another trip to get the chipper and bring it home, by now it's noon and I haven't accomplished a thing other than to dump the trailer, and replace some teeth on the grinder. So I spent the rest of the day doing maintenance and a couple of bids.
Here's some photos of today's Removal of a Monterey Cypress
succombing to armalleria, It was raining quite a bit.

Ironically This is the same Tree that the Picus was used on.
The actual area of decay was far smaller than previously surmised by
the sonic tomographer.

Deva, was the big Euc a side job?

Craig Swift put an "I don't want the job" bid on a monstrous euc over at the Branson School. It was close to being a 200' tree and was bigger than 7' on the butt. I think Fahy got that job.
Yeah I don't know where Branson is.

But this is 288 Union San Rafael, From TJ's at Montecito take a
left past the Fire Station Practice Building and at the end of the Street.

Lies One of the biggest tree I've seen.
I was talking to Shamrock about it since I was looking for him, But anyway.

Hot Wires on the side walk 10 feet from the trunk, two small driveways beside
it and no drop zone what so ever. Blocked form the Street side, both sides
a fence line down the back spine of it. You'd have to drop the wires and
close the road at least, and then use a crane.

I had no idea on how to begin. besides just lowering small manageable pieces.

Shamrock asked me If I'd climb it for him, I said "Maybe".

Easily 150', 7-8 foot Diameter, trunk wood huge for 70 feet then
two 3' dbh spars the rest of the way up.

I figured 2 trucks of chips and three trucks of wood.
We'll see if he gets it and I get to climb it.

Go big on your fee Deva and be safe.

If you look from the Whole foods parking lot towards Mount Tam you will see a huge euc up on top of the hill separating San Rafael and Greenbrae.
Nothing too exciting today I'm going to school for ABB robots this week.Hmm,maybe I could get real good at programming,retire then get a job in Hollywood programming robots for the next star wars.8)
Nothing too exciting today I'm going to school for ABB robots this week.Hmm,maybe I could get real good at programming,retire then get a job in Hollywood programming robots for the next star wars.8)

Have fun! I can't even get the lousy school to offer the course in PLC programming. :whine:

I had a great day overall. I found out my reservation I made last week for my hotel never went through. I went back,, their rates went up. I looked for another hotel. I ended finding a nicer hotel, cheaper. I also did a little more welding. I was doing good until my roll of wire ran out. Oh well, time for either a 2lb or 10lb spool, now.
Have fun! I can't even get the lousy school to offer the course in PLC programming. :whine:

The relay logic portion of plc's is not all that hard to understand.When you get into things like,fifo,logical bit rotation,junk registers,block moves etc.,it gets a bit hairy.Alt H works real good on most of them,it's kind of a universal SOS,no matter who wrote the logic.

Let me do some "Googling" there may some stuff on line to help you out.What system??
The relay logic portion of plc's is not all that hard to understand.When you get into things like,fifo,logical bit rotation,junk registers,block moves etc.,it gets a bit hairy.Alt H works real good on most of them,it's kind of a universal SOS,no matter who wrote the logic.

Let me do some "Googling" there may some stuff on line to help you out.What system??

I guess the old standby, Allen Bradley.
Took out a decent sized Doug Fir today, and then off to another job with 2 Hems and a dead Alder. All done by around 12:30. Got home ate lunch, hopped in the shower, and headed to my "real" job for swing shift. More of the same tomorrow.:) Mo' money$

I really need to remember my camera. Especially now that I got a better one.
Unmarked, homeowner said it was somewhere else.

Backed right over it and the cover failed.

3 hrs to get it pulled out.
So why are you mad at yourself? I'd be pissed at the homeowner giving me bad information. If I wanted to be a real prick about it, I might even go after the homeowner to cover the tow truck bill to get my 26,000 lb truck pulled out of their septic tank.

As for myself today, I did a couple piddly jobs Had a dead limb break off and drop through the roof of a tin shed while rigging out the top of an oak tree removal. :X

I also got a small job for tomorrow as a direct result of my networking efforts on Monday. One of my landscaper clients sold some treework after I spoke with him on the phone, so I get to go put it on the ground for him. 8)
So why are you mad at yourself? I'd be pissed at the homeowner giving me bad information. If I wanted to be a real prick about it, I might even go after the homeowner to cover the tow truck bill to get my 26,000 lb truck pulled out of their septic tank.

We pulled it out with our winch truck, no bill just lost time.

I should have known better, big hurry, the ground was clearly de frosting over the tank, should have seen it.

I dont wanna be a prick, we do work for them every year.