How'd it go today?

I should probably check my 395XP filter. I haven't seen it since I pulled a tree onto it in 2020 and had to swap out the cover. I'm sure it will be a waste of time.
I touched up my WTF pine. It was really bothering me. I was gonna try cutting in a good roof, but I don't like working off a ladder, especially with big saws. Also, every time I touch it with a saw is another chance to completely screw it up, and end up with nothing. I think it has a pleasing asymmetry...


Also got most of the bark stripped. The naked tree really shows off my bad cuts :^O There's still some bark on the bottom. I'll get it off as it loosens.
I touched up my WTF pine. It was really bothering me. I was gonna try cutting in a good roof, but I don't like working off a ladder, especially with big saws. Also, every time I touch it with a saw is another chance to completely screw it up, and end up with nothing. I think it has a pleasing asymmetry...

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Also got most of the bark stripped. The naked tree really shows off my bad cuts :^O There's still some bark on the bottom. I'll get it off as it loosens.
Star Trek, original series, Gateway to Forever.
I had to take down a tree behind the sawmill that was showing signs of leaning towards the mill a little more than it had been. If you told me back in July, as I was being shoved into a ct scan machine, that I would be dropping and bucking a 28" dbh on New Year's eve, I wouldn't have believed you.

Hours? Minutes! 😆 one or two tanks maybe.

In this vid the breeze was perfect. When it’s not, the saw and I eat it! I try to pay attention and position the forklift with the log parallel to the wind direction. That reminds me, I need to start wearing a mask.

Also goes back to the long bar short bar thing. It’s nice when the bar is longer than the log dia and I place the powerhead low and drop the bar thru. Keeps the dust low. Aussie style with a short bar and overbucking I eat a lot. Also if I just wade into the pile there is nowhere for the dust to go so it “bounces” back up in my face. The trouble of picking the logs up, inspecting for metal, and pressure washing is probably
worth it. When they have big cracks or old wounds they are full of dirt.
I’ve thought about throwing them in a tank of water to rehydrate 🤔

That is dusty, for true. The mask sounds like a good idea.
My new hillbilly chaise longue...


Now I can lay by the fire and watch the evening sky change color. Can't really see the sunset where I am. I have a better one under the pine, but I can't move it. It's most of the middle section, and the backrest is a facecut round. Super comfortable. It'll stay under the pine for now. Might workout well there. If not, I think drying out and maybe milling a little off will shave enough weight to wrangle it. I almost got it in the jetsled as-is, but it was on the verge of tipping, and my back had just about enough of my bullshit, and was ready to walk out, so I quit.
I had to take down a tree behind the sawmill that was showing signs of leaning towards the mill a little more than it had been. If you told me back in July, as I was being shoved into a ct scan machine, that I would be dropping and bucking a 28" dbh on New Year's eve, I wouldn't have believed you.

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Wow, your ferns are still green.
Chainspeed is my biggest complaint with the saw, but I'm really happy with it. I was telling Mike it's my least essential saw, but I really like having it available. It's nice being able to pick it up and go, and put back down again. No pulling it over or anything. I'm glad I got it.
Re-scheduling Friday's job to Thursday to get around rain, have to do the job sooner than later because I'm working with the neighbor on moving a couple hundred cows, turning into one of those "I know you have multiple jobs that day, and have to clean up before the mulch yard closes at 5, but I can only let you work in the afternoons because I want to watch, how about you do half Thursday, and the other half Friday in the rain?"

atleast one of the 2 jobs Thursday is a freebie for the grandparents, so I can stop by and do it whenever

its 30 minutes from job to mulch yard, + the drive through a pasture, and we have to take down a barbed wire fence + put back up, there's atleast 3, maybe 4 loads of logs, not entirely sure how we are going to get that done before the mulch yard closes, but we will probably end up bringing a load or two home for the night and taking them out Friday, stone dead pine that I would rather not keep around too long, one of the biggest I've seen in the area, I will be surprised if it's still standing after todays wind storm, hard hat on for sure!
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