How'd it go today?

I don't have much patience for splitting wood that doesn't want to split. I can deal with knots, stringiness, and a tough entry, but getting a "frig you" with every swing is disheartening.
I think the best thing for this would be a 2100 or similar old tractor saw with low rakers. Or a 395 not ported, just a base gasket delete.
This is why I wish clutches were sized to accept smaller sprockets for slower chain speeds, but then you'd have to worry about how much torque the chain sees as 7HP and above is already a lot of force at least on .050 3/8 on a 7t rim. The other option is to port a saw for low rpm after having chosen a model with a clutch that works well at low rpm. Or, just use a durable wide angle tooth edge and take your time with each cut. I cut a 24" many years dead hedgeapple log with a ported echo 590, and just had to take it slow with durable angles. I cut it up with 1 chain, though it did get dull by the last few cuts. I'd look into carbide chain if I was always cutting hard stuff.