It was looking like a good day. Got some pictures of the wild foal nursing at mom earlier. That's what ruined the day. Some city folk started messing with and chasing the wild horses with a side by side.
I've been doing so good for so long. I've kept my temper in check for the last five years, but not today.
Of course it started with me shouting, and let me tell you, nobody can get under your skin like me. Which led to exactly what I wanted, the idiot in the Polaris broke off his pursuit of my hooved neighbors and drove up to me, talking trash.
Lesson One: always wear your seat belt. This particular wiry white boy spends his days throwing ponderosa around. I helped him out of his vehicle.
Lesson Two: Keep your teeth together. When your jaw gets closed very quickly by outside forces, it tends to make you sleepy, and things might break. I was gonna settle with a two piece, but, well, he got the whole combo meal, super-sized.
Lesson Three: don't date women who laugh at your misfortune. Dudes girlfriend was giggling through the whole thing. She had her hand covering her mouth and she was pointing as I shoved him back in the RZR, upside down, in the driver seat.
If this is my last post for a bit, it's because they got a good enough description for NCSO to come look for me, and I'm sitting in Holbrook at the county jail.
Some of you might disagree, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. I first spotted and photographed the nursing foal in this picture when it was newborn, as in still wet with embryonic fluid, shaky on his hooves, with wobbly knees. As far as I'm concerned, that's MY horse.
I just ruined someone's day, possibly their whole weekend or even longer, given all the pieces of teeth scattered around, and I feel MAGNIFICENT!
Remember Lesson Four: Violence is not the answer, but it is always an option.
I've been doing so good for so long. I've kept my temper in check for the last five years, but not today.
Of course it started with me shouting, and let me tell you, nobody can get under your skin like me. Which led to exactly what I wanted, the idiot in the Polaris broke off his pursuit of my hooved neighbors and drove up to me, talking trash.
Lesson One: always wear your seat belt. This particular wiry white boy spends his days throwing ponderosa around. I helped him out of his vehicle.
Lesson Two: Keep your teeth together. When your jaw gets closed very quickly by outside forces, it tends to make you sleepy, and things might break. I was gonna settle with a two piece, but, well, he got the whole combo meal, super-sized.
Lesson Three: don't date women who laugh at your misfortune. Dudes girlfriend was giggling through the whole thing. She had her hand covering her mouth and she was pointing as I shoved him back in the RZR, upside down, in the driver seat.
If this is my last post for a bit, it's because they got a good enough description for NCSO to come look for me, and I'm sitting in Holbrook at the county jail.
Some of you might disagree, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. I first spotted and photographed the nursing foal in this picture when it was newborn, as in still wet with embryonic fluid, shaky on his hooves, with wobbly knees. As far as I'm concerned, that's MY horse.

I just ruined someone's day, possibly their whole weekend or even longer, given all the pieces of teeth scattered around, and I feel MAGNIFICENT!
Remember Lesson Four: Violence is not the answer, but it is always an option.