How'd it go today?

It was looking like a good day. Got some pictures of the wild foal nursing at mom earlier. That's what ruined the day. Some city folk started messing with and chasing the wild horses with a side by side.

I've been doing so good for so long. I've kept my temper in check for the last five years, but not today.

Of course it started with me shouting, and let me tell you, nobody can get under your skin like me. Which led to exactly what I wanted, the idiot in the Polaris broke off his pursuit of my hooved neighbors and drove up to me, talking trash.

Lesson One: always wear your seat belt. This particular wiry white boy spends his days throwing ponderosa around. I helped him out of his vehicle.

Lesson Two: Keep your teeth together. When your jaw gets closed very quickly by outside forces, it tends to make you sleepy, and things might break. I was gonna settle with a two piece, but, well, he got the whole combo meal, super-sized.

Lesson Three: don't date women who laugh at your misfortune. Dudes girlfriend was giggling through the whole thing. She had her hand covering her mouth and she was pointing as I shoved him back in the RZR, upside down, in the driver seat.

If this is my last post for a bit, it's because they got a good enough description for NCSO to come look for me, and I'm sitting in Holbrook at the county jail.

Some of you might disagree, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. I first spotted and photographed the nursing foal in this picture when it was newborn, as in still wet with embryonic fluid, shaky on his hooves, with wobbly knees. As far as I'm concerned, that's MY horse.

I just ruined someone's day, possibly their whole weekend or even longer, given all the pieces of teeth scattered around, and I feel MAGNIFICENT!

Remember Lesson Four: Violence is not the answer, but it is always an option.
I reckon you could use some work on ‘conflict resolution’ it could help you in the future.
In the short term I hope your hands are undamaged, you don’t need to lose any work days atm.
Chasing animals is bullshit. Not sure I'd assault someone over it, but there SxS might not go very fast with slashed tires.
Stikine river trip today. I was hoping to get a good GPS track at a minus low tide IMG_20240608_145429_MP.jpg crossing of the flats but it was too windy and I couldn't see shit for channels etc. Oh well it was a good day. A few scenery photos to share.
Classic Castle Mountain picture. It's one of the boundary peaks between Alaska and British Columbia.
Twin Lakes cabin...yes, @cory you can rent this. (grin)
It was looking like a good day. Got some pictures of the wild foal nursing at mom earlier. That's what ruined the day. Some city folk started messing with and chasing the wild horses with a side by side.

I've been doing so good for so long. I've kept my temper in check for the last five years, but not today.

Of course it started with me shouting, and let me tell you, nobody can get under your skin like me. Which led to exactly what I wanted, the idiot in the Polaris broke off his pursuit of my hooved neighbors and drove up to me, talking trash.

Lesson One: always wear your seat belt. This particular wiry white boy spends his days throwing ponderosa around. I helped him out of his vehicle.

Lesson Two: Keep your teeth together. When your jaw gets closed very quickly by outside forces, it tends to make you sleepy, and things might break. I was gonna settle with a two piece, but, well, he got the whole combo meal, super-sized.

Lesson Three: don't date women who laugh at your misfortune. Dudes girlfriend was giggling through the whole thing. She had her hand covering her mouth and she was pointing as I shoved him back in the RZR, upside down, in the driver seat.

If this is my last post for a bit, it's because they got a good enough description for NCSO to come look for me, and I'm sitting in Holbrook at the county jail.

Some of you might disagree, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. I first spotted and photographed the nursing foal in this picture when it was newborn, as in still wet with embryonic fluid, shaky on his hooves, with wobbly knees. As far as I'm concerned, that's MY horse.
View attachment 139250

I just ruined someone's day, possibly their whole weekend or even longer, given all the pieces of teeth scattered around, and I feel MAGNIFICENT!

Remember Lesson Four: Violence is not the answer, but it is always an option.
First of all, I 25% applaud you for protecting those animals. Secondly, I give you a 75% thumbs down, and a "shaking my head," for not protecting number one: YOU!

I don't think anyone's going to find your post, but you might consider deleting it for reasons that should be obvious.

Having said that, you know that you're my Bestie from the Westie and that, ultimatley, you demonstrated your own values. I just hope you can get back to work quickly and this alleged incident gets quashed.
So, an update.

Hands are fine, I have a lot of experience in their use in this application, and I was wearing my compression gloves, which likely helped with that.

I sat in my truck for about an hour, and decided I didn't want this crap hanging over my head, so I headed for town and the Sheriff's substation. A mile down the road, a deputy was coming my way down the narrow Forrest Service road, so I pulled over and flagged him down.

"I reckon you're out here on account of the scuffle I was in."

"You don't fit the description at all, but go on, please."

I started with "Some guy in a side by side," and he cut me off.

"Mid twenties, Hispanic, white tap out shirt, in a blue RZR?"


"Where is he?"

They took my statement as a complaint. I was told that the dude was on a bit of a drunken rampage. I'm supposed to meet with a detective later tonight or tomorrow morning. Soooo not how I expected this to go at all. I've been assured that I'm not looking at any charges.

Interesting Saturday...
So, an update.

Hands are fine, I have a lot of experience in their use in this application, and I was wearing my compression gloves, which likely helped with that.

I sat in my truck for about an hour, and decided I didn't want this crap hanging over my head, so I headed for town and the Sheriff's substation. A mile down the road, a deputy was coming my way down the narrow Forrest Service road, so I pulled over and flagged him down.

"I reckon you're out here on account of the scuffle I was in."

"You don't fit the description at all, but go on, please."

I started with "Some guy in a side by side," and he cut me off.

"Mid twenties, Hispanic, white tap out shirt, in a blue RZR?"


"Where is he?"

They took my statement as a complaint. I was told that the dude was on a bit of a drunken rampage. I'm supposed to meet with a detective later tonight or tomorrow morning. Soooo not how I expected this to go at all. I've been assured that I'm not looking at any charges.

Interesting Saturday...
Get that "no charges" element in writing if you can. That way things can't turn around unfavorably for you. Certainly most cop's word is their bond, but you never know. Glad you're alright!
So, an update.

Hands are fine, I have a lot of experience in their use in this application, and I was wearing my compression gloves, which likely helped with that.

I sat in my truck for about an hour, and decided I didn't want this crap hanging over my head, so I headed for town and the Sheriff's substation. A mile down the road, a deputy was coming my way down the narrow Forrest Service road, so I pulled over and flagged him down.

"I reckon you're out here on account of the scuffle I was in."

"You don't fit the description at all, but go on, please."

I started with "Some guy in a side by side," and he cut me off.

"Mid twenties, Hispanic, white tap out shirt, in a blue RZR?"


"Where is he?"

They took my statement as a complaint. I was told that the dude was on a bit of a drunken rampage. I'm supposed to meet with a detective later tonight or tomorrow morning. Soooo not how I expected this to go at all. I've been assured that I'm not looking at any charges.

Interesting Saturday...
Well goddamn! Sounds like a victory!
@Kaveman , just curious if you watched the vid clip I posted above, it seemed to fit your outlook well.
Yeah, and now I want to binge watch the show, since autoplay showed me a few more good clips.

I meet the detective in an hour, I'll post an update later.

I was taught from an early age, that if you are genuinely doing the right thing, the universe tends to watch over you.

Met with the detective at the end of FSR 144. We went to school together, and he recognized me immediately.

The guy from yesterday had stayed up all night drinking. At around 0500 he got in a minor scuffle with his brother in law. An hour later he roughed up his wife's dad too, which led to another fight with the brother and I guess he slapped mom around a little too before he shoved his wife in the Polaris and took off like a bat out of hell. Apparently he went and did doughnuts around all the campers he could find, and generally continued behaving like a dickhead. At some point, he ran over a lady's little dog. Eventually he made his way back towards town, chased my herd of neigh-bors, and ran across me.

I was informed that because of his reckless driving and obvious aggressive behavior, that his driving up to me, in the manner in which he did, constituted a valid threat to my physical well-being and safety. Because I was shouting insults, not threats, I was perfectly within my rights, and he was obligated to ignore me or drive away, not to engage with me.

The state of Arizona doesn't have mutual combat laws. If two guys get in a fight, the cops show up, and neither one wants to press charges, it doesn't matter, the state will press the charges on both parties. That's exactly what I've been worried about this whole time. I figured I'd have been arrested yesterday, and was stressing hard because they seemed to have no interest in me. What game are they playing at here? They weren't playing games, they dont care about what I did, because this cat was running amok, terrorizing folks. Maybe knowing the detective helped too, and the fact that we were actually friends for the short time I was in high-school. He greeted me as Kaveman, not my govmint name. When he saw just how worried I was, he told me, "I've never seen you fight for no reason. The horses were reason enough, by some people's thinking. That guy was going to have something catch up with him, and the way he was carrying on, it's probably better it was you and not us. If he had driven at one of us like that..."

So as of now I'm free and clear, all is well. As for the young Hispanic asshole who is on soft foods in Holbrook, on the end of the dental list that typically four months long, he is facing the following charges:

Aggravated assault, x7
Theft of a means of transportation x1
Reckless driving, x9
Reckless endangerment, x9
Kidnapping/Unlawful restraint, x2
Violence towards Animals, x16
Cruelty towards animals, x16
Harassing wildlife, x15
Destruction of public lands, x12

That's all I could remember, there might be more. He's getting a separate charge for every horse in the herd, and the dog he ran over, which survived with scuffs and a cut. Basically this guy is screwed already and they're not done talking to people and finding more to fry him on. I almost feel bad for him, coming up for a camping trip that became the worst weekend of his life. But then I figure that this guy showed his true colors, and is reaping his reward.

Anywho, that's about enough of that excitement. When I walked back to my truck this is what I found... 20240609_084833.jpg 20240609_085458.jpg

I've got a date tonight with a lovely lady my own age, so I've got to go find a rain box and make myself presentable.