How'd it go today?

Got rained on, maybe a good bit more tonight. So far, looks like I'll be sleeping dry in the camper! Need to get a bunch of weather stripping, but looks like I'll be safe to insulate once I do. I'm thinking 3/4inch foam sheet, then cover over indoor/outdoor carpet.

Part of me says not to get to carried away, because I'm thinking about getting a trailer and a space in a local RV park. The other part of me says make it nice and comfy, as it will improve your quality of life immensely and immediately. Travel trailers are quite expensive in my neck of the woods anymore, so that may take some time to materialize, then I have to find an open spot. Neither are insurmountable, but it'll take some time to save the cash either way, so investing in my comfort now is a good idea...

I'm torn, should I do the bare minimum to get by, or outfit the truck as if there's no other option. But if the truck goes down for some unfortunately and unforeseen mechanical malady...well, I'm screwed either way right?

Obviously I don't intend to blow my paycheck on materials all at once, and I kind of have a step at a time plan to outfit the camper and still save a little cash up, but I'm not sure how far I should go, or how much of a financial priority it should be.

Anywho I'm stoked the camper don't leak, and that I prioritized getting it, because I was right, and the rain has come! My bed is dry currently, and I'm pretty sure it's gonna stay that way, so I'm calling it a win for now!
@Kaveman In your situation, with the next goal in mind, I’d do bare minimum. I wouldn’t get myself too comfortable in a temporary situation since it would take from the end goal. Just my 1.5 cents
@Kaveman, I'd split the difference between you and Treeaddict. I'd do more than the bare minimum, but focus my effort on parts that would be more versatile. Summer's almost here. A tarp over the truck would go a long way to keeping things cool, and tarps are always useful. Dunno what new housing's like in your area, but debris containers can be a goldmine of useful material. I'd also consider a chainsaw mill. Kinda spendy, but it would make all kinds of useful stuff for a treeguy. Spruce paneling is light, smells good, and would hide scavenged foam. Can also make shelves and cabinets.
Back's still sore as shit, but Spot came for breakfast, so I'm calling the day a huge win. I didn't lost a third of my fan club :^D

On the subject of back pain... The other day I looked up Tiger Balm on wikipedia just for something to read. I use Tiger Balm for this kind of stuff. I can't say it does much, but I like the way it smells and feels. Anyway, wikipedia said the company has pivoted away from balms to stuff like sprays. They still make the old stuff, but people don't like the balms as much, but are happier with sprays, and use them as mosquito repellent. I wonder if that really works? I could see it. The smell's pretty potent. I'm gonna try it this summer if I end up in a wetland.

Further random thoughts... This stuff should be in Knotty's thread :^P... Nothing works for me. No remedies for anything have an effect outside of antibiotics, and I like Silvadene for burns. Tonics, potions, herbs, and pills... Just a way to spend money. I'm inherently skeptical of everything. I wonder if it's self fulfilling? I'm so skeptical of everything, I get no placebo effect, and even minor improvements something could provide are counteracted by skepticism. Maybe being credulous has some benefits?
I'm pretty skeptical about discounts like that. I asked about it here a good while ago. The coupon has to be presented at the estimate, and since estimates are somewhat arbitrary anyway; add 15% to the estimate, take 25% off for the coupon... There's a lot of room to play with numbers.
Got my first load of timber quality logs today. The logger is selecting for my timber list, and matching what the tree yields to the best use. I've been waiting for this for probably 15 years. It's going to allow me to be a sawyer and still know I'm getting what I want. (And nothing that I don't want).
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Back from Rhode Island after officiating the wedding of the young man we call our ‘second son’ (we took him under our wings when his father died while he was young).
It went really well. We had worked with the young couple a lot to be sure the wedding really captured who they are.
At the end of the night the event coordinator from the venue stopped me as we were leaving and said it was the best, most meaningful ceremony he had witnessed in all his years of working there. I told him it was the first wedding I had done and previously during my tenure as a hospice nurse I had only done funerals.
He replied, “Well, you killed it!”


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My day started out nicely, good weather, and we got a couple of necessary errands run in town and then back home. M and I headed off on our normal 4 mile walk after lunch.

3 miles in, I noticed my wedding band was not on my finger. We backtracked the whole route, but it was like looking for a needle in a huge field of haystacks. And there's no way to know when it slipped off my finger. Scoured the house, car, yard. Called the couple of places in town we spent time in. No luck.

I expect it is gone for good. I've worn that ring for over 45 years, and it was M's grandmother's wedding ring that we had a friend re-size for me all those years ago.

I am with sadz, as Butch was wont to say from time to time.
Well, it's closing in on 6 months since my wedding ring went walkabout. While I haven't given up hope completely, I do think the chances that it will turn up are microscopic at this point.

I was at the little local jewelry shop in town yesterday to pick up a replacement earing backing for M, and saw that the jeweler had a small bowl of copper rings for sale "to help with arthritis aches and pains". Now I'm not a believer in the old wives' tales on that score, but for less than $20 I picked out a near duplicate of my lost gold band.

If the real thing ever does show, this placeholder will be retired. In the meantime, I will no longer have to chase the women off who think I'm available :D.

Life goes on :).
Technically yesterday but well within 24hrs ago……

Decided I need to be on the bike at least every other day for now. I can ride my bike to a decent set of trails and so I did. This is something I can do in the evenings after work and only takes about 2 hours. I’ve dropped about 4 lbs in the past week. This is a combination of mountain biking, a little tree work, plumbing work, and taking control of what and how much I eat. The goal was 185lbs to 165lbs but I may try for 150. I’m 5’7-1/2” (gotta get that 1/2” in there when you’re my height!) We’ll see how it goes.

Had my neighbors 15 year old son with me yesterday. He smoked me on both uphill and downhill. Granted, he’s been mountain biking for over a year and has a nice bike. Also, he’s at near ideal fitness level. It motivates me to push harder when he’s waiting for me at the tops of hills. I’m still not going to do much faster on downhill until I get a bike with 29” tires, proper suspension, and a drop seat though. I won’t risk a crash or flipping over the handlebars.

Yup, time to bring the brain and body into submission. My brain will try to kill me if left unchecked. Getting it reigned in.
No shame in getting beaten by a 15yr old. 15yr old me would smoke 55yr old me easily with reserves left. Of course 15yr old me has a good likelihood of doing something stupid like jumping my bike off a ledge, and 55yr old me just moseys on past the wreckage to the finish line, but that's not the point :^P
@Treeaddict When I started getting back to a decent fitness level after my hip replacement in 2012, I was at 164 pounds, 5'8". In other words, fat :). For all my adult life up until my hip began to go gunny, I'd been slim, fairly lean. Packed on those extra 20 pounds over about 5-6 years. I badly needed to lose them.

Besides being able to begin to return to the physical activities that had been my lifestyle forever, I worked on my intake, as you are. All I did was cut my serving sizes, every meal, by about 1/3. No change in WHAT I ate, just served myself less. It really wasn't very hard.

In about 6 months I dropped a little over 20 pounds, and still am at about that weight. Not as much muscle as when I was younger, more flab...but I am 70, after all. Give a guy a break :D.

You can do it, for sure.
@lxskllr Go to your local pharmacy and get lidocaine patches and place one in the center of where the pain is radiating from on your back. They work quite well. Also, plenty of Naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil). Tylenol won't help nearly as much as either of those. You need an NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). You might also want to go to your PCP and ask for a prescription for something like Baclofen, which is a muscle relaxer that won't make you drowsy. You may even be able to simply call in and ask for it since there's nothing that they need to examine and it's not a controlled substance.

Just some thoughts from someone who studies pharmacology for a hobby/someone who is no stranger to hospitals and doctors and medication. I hope you feel better. Don't overexert yourself, but also don't remain motionless.

A meditative martial art like Thai Chi is exceptionally helpful for accelerating recovery from just about any mild to moderate musculoskeletal injury. Put some meditation music on and find your inner Zen. Before you know it, you'll be hanging Chi crystals around your house, rearranging your furniture according to Feng Shui and pruning a newly purchased bonsai tree! =-P
As for @Knotorious (who apparently now speaks in the third person), he's been away for a week at the hospital. My ex girlfriend did something indescribably awful to me and I began experiencing insane amounts of anxiety and a strong urge to drink alcohol. I decided it would be wise to go to a psychiatric hospital for a short while in order to deal with what happened and to prevent myself from drinking, to cope with my immense emotional distress, and to get help from professionals with experiencing my negative emotions in a safe and positive environment.

My ex had reached out to me, hoping to be friends after not speaking to one another since I dumped her crazy ass this past December. I stupidly gave her a chance, but I quickly decided that I wanted nothing to do with her after she betrayed me months ago. I used some very strong language to tell her how I felt and instead of just accepting it and leaving me alone, she decided she would create a massive group text (containing the numbers of every single group text she had ever been invited into during our seven years together) and sent a collage containing very sensitive photos of me, along with my full name, phone number and address (it was a sadistic art project from the mind of a psycho b*tch). Photos that I had trusted her to keep private.

As a result, everyone from my cousins, to my aunt, to my parents, to my old au pair who took care of me as a child, to my sister, and to probably six of my parent's neighbors and friends, etc. received this collage containing multiple private, sensitive photos of me. Not only has this literally traumatized me, and thoroughly embarrassed me, but my poor parents -- who had nothing to do with this -- are now thoroughly traumatized and embarrassed because so many of their neighbors received the pictures. Before I went to the hospital, my father called me in a state of distress beyond what I've ever heard from him in a very long time, stating that it was "the worst day of his life." My mom, also horrified, said she felt like she wants to move now.

So, yeah. I'm not in a good place right now. Easily the single most traumatic thing that's ever happened to me and the fact that my ex has involved my parents makes me beyond enraged. Long story short, I am getting a restraining order against my ex, and then getting the best lawyer I can find and filing a lawsuit against her. Also going to be speaking with the police to see if I can press charges.

The upside is that my ex girlfriend was EXCEPTIONALLY careless and I can prove that she was behind the text (which she sent from a random number) EXTREMELY easily because she made multiple threats to do this towards the end of our relationship through text message, and also threatened to do this via text two days prior to actually doing it, and there is also proof in the form of multiple email exchanges before and after it happened.

Anyways, you all are like family and I really needed to get this out there and see if maybe any of you guys and gals have some suggestions for how to address this from angles that I haven't yet considered. She thinks she's bulletproof. This crazy b*tch is a freaking school teacher! I would never in my life consider doing something so heinous to anyone! No matter how much I might abhor them. At a minimum, aside from it possibly being criminal, I can sue for defamation of character and emotional distress. And not just me, it's my parents as well who have become the innocent victims of a sociopathic, psychotic ex girlfriend.

Sorry for the lengthy post. I'm shaking right now as I relive this shit. Nobody should ever have to go through something like this. NOBODY deserves this. My parents and I DEFINITELY did not deserve this.