How'd it go today?

That's good and bad. It'll keep the average homeowner from buying stupid shit that pollutes and makes noise. For anyone that needs gas equipment, there's enough of a gap to drive a 2stroke truck full of chainsaws through. It won't be trivially easy to buy saws, but it'll still be easy.
Wont matter here anymore in CA.
NO MO gas saws as of Jan 1st.
Lawn mowers, Generators...... Fire pumps for homes. Pressure washers.
My favorite one is emission free generators by 2028 :|:\
So..... Welders are basically a generator, right? Diesel or gas.
Yeah. Insane in the membrane.
It's only for stuff under 25 hp, most welders are bigger than that.

Been doing a 6" sch 80 line outside all week, it's been cold and wet, good times. Ran a pop up canopy just so we could keep welding since it needed to get done. Got it buttoned up today but I'm beat, and we're working overtime the next few days on a mini shutdown to swap out some stuff.
It's only for stuff under 25 hp, most welders are bigger than that.

Been doing a 6" sch 80 line outside all week, it's been cold and wet, good times. Ran a pop up canopy just so we could keep welding since it needed to get done. Got it buttoned up today but I'm beat, and we're working overtime the next few days on a mini shutdown to swap out some stuff.
For Now.
2028, I guess you can use a windmill or Solar panels to power your welder in CA. Because it will fall under generators.
Oh i agree that's jumping the gun before the technology is there, hopefully they'll add some exemptions on stuff that isn't feasible, and everyone will be running bootleg equipment for a few decades. But most engine driven welders are over 25 hp, my '72 sa200 has a continental 4 in it, around 40hp. The miller I've been using at work is 26 hp but it's a diesel.
Euc fires are icky? Why?

Helped Mike on a job today. I climbed an uprooted locust to start the day. There's a reason Mike usually does the climbing :^D I got it apart, but there was a lot of derping around. Poorly planned, and I'm out of practice, and out of shape.

Mike then climbed an elm for an end reduction prune. He did a fine job as usual. He's hard to see against the sky. I'll start dressing him in glo green or something so the pics turn out better :^D


Got to use my jetsled for it's intended purpose. I'm happy with it. I'm less happy with the hardware store cord I put on it. I'm gonna splice some new cord from ⅜" promaster. Cool and cloudy. It was a fine day for trees :^)

Forgot. My girl cat flipped out this morning when I picked her up. I'm pretty sure it's the fabric softener on my new to me shirt from the thrift shop. She came back to me ~15 minutes later, and flipped out again when she got close to the shirt. I don't blame her. That stuff kinda stinks. Looking forward to washing it out.
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That's why I've been kinda interested in burning euc. I'd think it would smell good, but the fresh scent isn't always indicative of what it smells like burned.
Went to bed sore last night, and it took awhile to get to sleep. I intended on dealing with my ash today, but woke up sore. Felt better after being up for awhile, so here it is...



Pretty ugly, but I got it down without hitting wires. My jetsled protected my little Japanese maple. That jetsled's fantastic. So much better than dragging brush by hand. Glad I bought it.

Stem's still standing, and I hauled some of the brush out back, but my wrist's pretty angry, so I didn't get it finished. Got to try my new cant hook with the logjack. It isn't something I'd want to use generally, but I'll have a perfect use for it when I clear willow at work. I'll be able to raise logs to freehand mill wood for pallets. It'll be perfect for that. Otherwise, the cant hook works fine. I might leave the stand on for specialty stuff. I already have a big logrite, so I don't know how much I need a short hook.