How'd it go today?

Black licorice is for grown men. Tastes change with time, so maybe someday you'll get addicted to it. I quit eating it, it's so good.
thats possible, when I dont like a food, I really, really dont like it, dunno why but I dont have an inbetween
Packed up the entirety of my mentor’s shop today (minus the lathe itself) and trucked it back to Delaware. Riggers will come early next week to move the lathe out of the shop, up the steep gravel driveway, and to their warehouse. Once it’s there I’ll head up and get it with my trailer.
Then it’s time to replicate the shop here.
Harvey had mixed feelings about the end of that portion of his life.
I assured him that he would be welcome to come down and work anytime.


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And you can't eat just 1. Licorice gets sweeter the more you eat.

Do you like Good & Plenty candy?
I have never tried it, believe it or not I haven't tried a whole lot of candies, especially stuff that isn't just a snickers or Twix
I guess there's another for me to try!
Good & Plenty is really good. I get those from the dollar store. Supposed to be the oldest branded candy in the US(1893).
Lost my virginity to a girl with the good and plenty logo tattooed on "pubic triangle". Was not false advertising.

Good and plenty limited edition fish flavor, available while she doesn't have a headache!
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That would be great stig! It was a Dane that turned me on to salty licorice. I was on a snus forum, and made a trade with a guy in Denmark. We each included stuff that couldn't be found in our respective countries. One of the items he sent was Piratos. First taste was stunning( :^D ), but they were strangely addictive. I love the stuff. I wish it were easier to find here.
That would be great stig! It was a Dane that turned me on to salty licorice. I was on a snus forum, and made a trade with a guy in Denmark. We each included stuff that couldn't be found in our respective countries. One of the items he sent was Piratos. First taste was stunning( :^D ), but they were strangely addictive. I love the stuff. I wish it were easier to find here.
Use your words, not all of us are multilingual. Spell it out for me, please!
Use your words, not all of us are multilingual. Spell it out for me, please!
Words that may be a problem...

salty licorice - I mentioned above, but it's licorice with ammonium chloride. Kind of salty, but not like table salt. It has an ammonia bite to it. Both licorice and ammonium chloride are unhealthy in large quantities

snus - Literally "snuff", ground moist tobacco, but usually refers specifically to the Scandinavian preparation which uses air cured tobacco that gets pasteurized rather than fire cured and fermented like American brands. That very much reduces the TSNA(TobaccoSpecificNitrosamines) count which is the primary carcinogen in tobacco. It's mild, and spit free. Unfortunately, tobacco free nicotine pouches are supplanting snus, even in Sweden I think. The loose snus I prefer is almost non existent anymore. Probably mainly old guys that still buy it.

Piratos - A brand of salty licorice gummy candy. They're in the shape of pirate coins.
Here you go:

Had a coupon for two cans of Copenhagen, so I got some Copenhagen Black. Limited release, and I like it, but holy shit; $8.50/can :^O I don't like it that much! I guess that's it for Cope. I can get the superior Swedish snus for ~$4/can shipped.

It's a really pretty evening, but I'm still not feeling tops, so instead of a Swedish candle, I'm burning some trash til I decide to go in. A gingerbread cookie stout to go with it. It's not bad, but strong. 10.2% alcohol. Better for a colder night.


You can kinda see the moon...

Took out 3 kids and my daughter’s friend to a playground and then for a hike. Got to climb some blowdowns. Lots of outdoor fun. Daughters friend loved it. It was her first hike. She didn’t do well with climbing or briars though.

Found this large leaf and there were many. I couldn’t inspect long enough to see possibly what trees they came from. App says Quercus Pagoda (cherry bark oak). Never heard of that one around here but it’s listed as native to Maryland on a particular map. 🤷‍♂️


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leaf looks similar to a white oak

have you noticed how massive tulip poplar leaves can get? ive come across a few that are larger than my head, and those are off 4ft tall saplings half the time
Hard to beat an evening fire, john. How much property do you have there. Jw if neighbors complain about the smoke
Just an acre±. Sometimes a fire will smoke like crazy and make me cringe, but I don't hear any bitching. I try to be unobtrusive in general. Saws don't get run til ~11am, and they're off way before dark. I've mowed the lawn during the week at 9am when off work, but it's usually in the afternoon, and again, off way before dark. They could do worse than a bit a of smoke in the cool months.
I've been kind of hot(heh...) on matches lately. They're old school cool, and more fun to use than disposable lighters. I was looking up DD Bean(The last US matchmaker), and they linked to their sister companies that do custom printing. Prices really aren't bad for getting custom matchboxes printed up. They do paper matches too, but wood matches are cooler. In the right part of the country, that would be a good promo item to advertise arborist services. It's a natural tie in for when people light up their stoves.

2:31 am
A friend of a friend, somebody i've talked to one time before calls me, why? He wanted to B.S and cant sleep, so of course we chat for 30 minutes, problem is once I wake up I can't fall back asleep again, so I guess I'm hitting today on less than 2 hours of sleep

Moral of the story, don't stay up super late because you might get woke up at 2am for no reason