How'd it go today?

just had a look out back, may have had a microburst last night, multiple trees snapped off, widomakers hanging, 18+" maple limbs on the ground, and ive only seen about 1/10th of the property so far
got atleast a day of work at my place now, plus some free maple and poplar firewood!
problem is, 30+ degree hill to dragtree size limbs up, with small saplings and shrubs I cant damage plus a bench cut trail with a berm on the uphill side we cant tear up, so itll be lots of rigging to lift them up and over the hill with minimal dragging I think
I don't mind it so much if the ground is moist and free of rocks and such. And if the grinder has enough HP and sharp teeth, even if it still means 8hrs of grinding. Probably because I'm usually by myself, so I can do things my way.
Got my e mail response back from my parts order. Sooooo Nice to know last week they were all out of stock(sarcasm). Said my order was fulfilled, shipped with tracking number. Only one of two parts arrives on a Friday afternoon PST which is 2-3 hours diffy than them. No notice of back order. Nothing. Sent e mail Friday night and get apology today. They will check with MFG to see when it can be shipped. Next email. No ETA. If I had known a week ago, I could have pursued to part then. Not have to wait for my 500.00 refund. ETC ETC ETC. And I still need the part for the truck to run .... FML.
At least the mini went to work today.
Well, unless it's at the controls of a Grove :rockhard: :lol:
With the grove I get out a lot and walk around. This was 8 hours with two small breaks and a lunch. Could be the sitting and listening to someone talk that is killing me.
Unfortunately my grove didn’t come with that option Dave.
I recommend an umbrella.
grinder mounted sunshade?
ive seen guys do that in a bucket, stick the saw scabbard in the corner and wedge an umbrella behind the scabbard, id imagine it hits the tree a lot tho

I just get a suntan like a real man!
grinder mounted sunshade?
ive seen guys do that in a bucket, stick the saw scabbard in the corner and wedge an umbrella behind the scabbard, id imagine it hits the tree a lot tho

I just get a suntan like a real man!
Yes an umbrella mounted on the grinder. I never seen one in the bucket doing tree work. Maybe a lineman.
Saw a couple skunks on my way in to work this morning. Presumably mom and a kid. First time in my life I've seen a live wild skunk. The skunks I've seen have either been domestic or road pizza. Pretty cool :^)
One time I was driving back to the shop and I see a family, maybe 6-8, of skunks on the side of the road and in half of the road. I didn’t realize they were skunks until I was close enough to spraying distance. I couldn’t stop or I’d get sprayed so I punched it and got past they before they sprayed. The whole country block reeked of skunk for a week. I got lucky. Lol
Day two is done. My back is not enjoying the sitting. I was up and pacing after lunch. Had a hard time focusing today as well. I started reading the sections we went over today and had to get up and take a walk.
Also I think I need to do a soil ph test on my garden. I have half of my beans and half of my peppers that are “yellowed”. Can’t remember how to spell the appropriate condition. I’m assuming the soil is a bit sweet but would like to make sure before adding anything. Nitrogen deficiency is most likely the cause but could be another element depending on ph.
Day two is done. My back is not enjoying the sitting. I was up and pacing after lunch. Had a hard time focusing today as well. I started reading the sections we went over today and had to get up and take a walk.
All signs that you'd make a good tree man :rockhard:
Day two is done. My back is not enjoying the sitting. I was up and pacing after lunch. Had a hard time focusing today as well. I started reading the sections we went over today and had to get up and take a walk.
Also I think I need to do a soil ph test on my garden. I have half of my beans and half of my peppers that are “yellowed”. Can’t remember how to spell the appropriate condition. I’m assuming the soil is a bit sweet but would like to make sure before adding anything. Nitrogen deficiency is most likely the cause but could be another element depending on ph.