How'd it go today?

Sun makes everything worse. In my real job, it creates shadows and heat shimmer that makes it harder to see, and with tree stuff, it lights up the screened face shields, and makes it hard to see. Not to mention being blinded if you look the wrong way, and being hot. If you want to get something done, it's better without the sun.
Made it home from hospital today.

Had biopsy done on temporal artery this morning.
Results in a few days, but they suspect it'll be negative and that I'm actually having "cluster headaches".
Will pick up a bunch of new meds tomorrow, and will find out what to continue on after results come back.
Fri night until 3pm today.

Got back to emergency about 10pm Fri. then around 1;30 am drove myself from the emergency to the hospital across town or would have had to wait 7 hrs for transport. checked in about 2 a.m. Sat actually
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Currently being treated with a "headache cocktail" and will get some other meds tomorrow to treat for what I may have (depends on biopsy). If biopsy shows negative meds may change and the next guess is "cluster headaches". :dontknow:

Things are still up in the air, but I'm feeling better at the moment and back at home anyway.

Guess I'll just have to wait & see how it pans out.
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I had one of those days. Big double leader silver maple one lead is about 3’ and the other more than three foot but less than four and every bit of 100’ tall with large old rotten pruning wounds. So we were taking the smaller lead off because it was over a garage and funky. I knew I didn’t have the height with the lift and figured I’d take a long top but as I worked the tree there is a real bad hollow over 70% at about 55’ up. So taking a big top is out now it’s a crane gig. And the tree was going so smoothly. Oh well.
Made two trips to pharmacy for new pills. needed to get started on them and they only had one available this morning.
After second trip I spotted an old buddies/bandmate's truck at his place & stopped in to say "hi". Haven't seen him in maybe 4-5 years and we live less than a mile apart. Had a great time catching up & talking music for a couple hours then I scooted home.

Got taxes about mostly done, just waiting on one document.

Headache is still there in the background, so taking it pretty easy. Did manage to play a bit of fiddle & sing a few on the guitar though today.

Settling in for a quiet, early evening...