How'd it go today?

I think this is a tick. Leg hair for scale...


I'm not absolutely sure it's a tick cause it's too small to see, even with the magnifying glass in my knife, and I don't feel like hunting down my microscope. I dug it out. Might be 0.1mm? How the hell do you even defend against something that small?!
I’m not 100% sure what got me was a tick, it looked real shiny black. Most I’ve seen are a dull brown. Didn’t have my reading classes on me so I asked the wife to bring me my classes and the tweezers. She brought the tweezers but not the classes so she pulled it off me and flushed it down the sink like it was gonna grow up and destroy Tokyo. I wanted to put it in a cotton ball soaked in alcohol for future reference but... n/m. Never had a reaction to a tick like this one, if it was a tick.
I had a tick on me a couple days ago that looked black. It wasn't full grown, but bigger than my above pic. Might have been 1mm long. Dunno what kind it was, but my boss pulled a lone star tick off himself that same day. Maybe a juvenile lone star.
As soon as I seen you quoted me in my alerts I knew that was coming. Planning on ordering tomorrow

Not my idea/ discover, just a believer. My guy Manny's first day a few years ago was a HOT sunny day. He didn't want to have to wear something more, even if it was cold. He lasted until about noon, then tried it and was happy to have it ever after.
Even my chronically cold and barely insulated GF has worn one.

You'll be the envy of the crew.

I don't mind not fighting heat challenge all day that leaves me spent at night, and I'm in a cool part of the country. 80's-90's happen every August, at least.
I have rearranged the living room, so I'm just using the furnace for cold nights (46 degrees F last night), as furniture is too close to the stove. I might move it away.

Feel sorry for y'all having to deal with such heat.

I worked in Death Valley, cutting tamarisk stumps once in the blazing sun, double-knee Carharts, and MS440s, when it was 104 in the shade. The first day of being a bike messenger in Chicago 30 years ago, it was 105 in the shade and 500 people died.
I'm not a wuss about heat or cold.
Tell us about being a bike messenger, I often thought I'd like that job.
Rain this morning, then went to the wetland boundary. I was dragging all day, and barely got back to the office without falling asleep. I crashed hard at the office, and slept for about an hour before going home.

Something seems weird. I've been getting off/on shooting pain in my wrists and knees. It'll come then go. Might be right side, maybe left, no known trigger... Something to keep an eye on I guess. Kinda wondering if I picked up Lyme again. That would suck.
New employee (#3 for this month) lasted a whole two days (broke the record for longevity)...stuck a shovel in his hand for a bit & he instantly became adverse to working at the golf course I guess. According to him, he didn't get into grounds maintenance to have to shovel dirt! eusa_wall.gif

Fine with me: I have to go back over every place he top-dressed anyway. Sometimes having the help isn't much of a help...
My wife and I along with our 3 young kids are stay with my sister in law for the next 3 days while our hardwood floors are being refinished. Can’t walk on them and the odors are overwhelming. It’s very strange to have someone working on my house. I’ve always done everything. I did the design and build of the entire kitchen including cutting and installing the stone countertops. I could have handled this but little motivation as well as time was the deciding factor. Still makes me sick to spend the money though.
I dunno. I'll wait and see at this point. Might just be a case of getting old. My last round put me on antibiotics, and they made me photosensitive. I got almost immediate and permanent skin damage. I'd like to avoid going through that again. I wonder if they have ticks in Finland? Move some place where the weather's decent.
I dunno. I'll wait and see at this point. Might just be a case of getting old. My last round put me on antibiotics, and they made me photosensitive. I got almost immediate and permanent skin damage. I'd like to avoid going through that again. I wonder if they have ticks in Finland? Move some place where the weather's decent.
Fugg that shit John. Just move up here and avoid the drama. . for the moment. Seems like ticks might be heading up here though. Bastards.
Pushed hard n the heat today and beat the storm. Got my boom folded up right as the first lightning started. Off tomorrow for a funeral. Sitting at country fest listening to Jason Aldean and watching 15,000 people from a distance. Interesting crowd. I’ll make it home around two AM. Get to be the DD.

I typed this last night and lost reception
Went to my PA job today...

IMG_20220617_094354875_HDR.jpg Very quiet. We were out there a couple hours, and not a single car went by. You can pan for gold in the creek. Kind of a novelty for around here. Stopped in the sawshop...

IMG_20220617_103050188_HDR.jpg IMG_20220617_103057795.jpg IMG_20220617_103121291_HDR.jpg Bought this stuff. $142. He spun up the chain while I waited. $20/loop. Good price I think...

Stopped for corn free gas on the way back. $60 fit in two cans :^/

IMG_20220617_111146241_HDR.jpg After that I paid the boss. He needed $300 to pay te taxman. I think I'm doing employment wrong. How does this work again? :^D
Nah, I already have a crosscut saw. They don't borecut for shit :^D I'd have taken better pictures, but it's kind of a weird thing to do. It's an Amish shop, and I could have walked to it from the job, but it's about 30 miles from my house. Still worth it. His prices are good, and so is the service. It's a real sawshop, and not just a 'yard care center'. All he sells is Stihl gear with the occasional whatever he sells used I guess more or less on consignment for his neighbors. There's also plants and eggs for sale. It's his farm(ette), and he lives upstairs.

Oh, and the boss said he misread his tax bill, and it was $1.3k he needed, so he stopped at my house for an extra thousand. I got shipment notice from wesspur. I had ordered the Bifröst rope when it was oos, and told them to substitute with Phantom if it would take forever to get. I guess they decided it would take forever, so they're sending me Phantom. I have mixed feelings. The Phantom looks great, and has the same construction, but I think I like the Bifröst better. OTOH, using it as a climbline kind of cheapens the sight gag of using it as a bridge, so I guess it's worked out for the best. I'd have had the stuff a week ago though if I said Phantom from the outset.
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