How'd it go today?

I bought 1500 acres for 960,000 dollars a couple years ago.

Would something like that suit you Stephen?
Too big. Gotta be able to maintain it.
And i would not be able to afford it.
I'll eventually find something when we are ready. Maybe 40 acre house and shop/garage I can cash into with what we can pull out of this place. Taxes are also a consideration.
We are sitting pretty compared to some. 6% fixed, family financed with room for forgivness if things get tight or bad. Hard to turn our backs on that position. Taxes are not great, but what we pay compared to some other CA towns is pretty small in comparison.
Once things settle down here, we'll jet.

Interesting topic, for sure.

One thing that occurs to me: Yes, CA is notoriously rife with problems. And arguably the ultimate reason for that is because for so long CA has been so powerfully attractive to so many people due to it's intrinsic desirable nature- weather, landscape, resources etc. It became overrun due to over popularity.

As the pendulum inexorably swings the other way and people leave and problems are resolved or improved, perhaps it will regain alot of it's former allure.
Feel a bit better after a shower. Beautiful day, but the vaults basically act like ovens. They've got 400 degree plus steam, and even with insulation the vaults get hot as hell. Hopefully it's a bit cooler tomorrow, since we gotta finish up. Just not quite used to that level of heat and fatigue yet.
Drove to Richmond, VA and back yesterday to pick up an old lathe.
This one is a ‘John Jordan’ Stubby S750 from Down Under. The Caddaye family made them to spec for Mr. Jordan in Nashville, TN. When the Caddaye’s closed their machine shop in 2013 the lathes became unavailable for a period of time until younger family members reopened the business and started making them again. There is about a year’s wait to get a new one, plus the freight and customs duty to get one around the globe.

When this one came up I jumped on it.
A unique design: the ways rotate and slide. The last photo is Emiliano Achaval’s S1000 in his shop in Hawaii. I added it to better show the turret that the ways slide and rotate on.


Had a great time with D, now 10 y.o., at the indoor climbing gym on a rainy day. Luckily, we waited out the crowds. After a stop at REI for a new harness, we got there to find under a dozen people.

The crack simulator was pretty lame, but they've rebuilt their bouldering section. Auto-belays made it fun side-by-side climbing.