How'd it go today?

John No_Bivy,
Your exploits bring back memories of my time in Trauma. One 7p - 7a night shift that ran into a double shift of constant transfusions; two return trips to reopen (OR had done a quick close with Montgomery straps to ease reentry) to find and close additional bleeders in his abdomen, and back to the trauma ICU. Fellow had cheated on his girlfriend, got caught and was so remorseful he disemboweled himself with a steak knife in a circular motion. I got home exhausted just as Karen and the kids got home from school. I set two, 2 liter bottles on the table, and kept moving them until they had described 16 bottles to represent the volume of blood and fluids he had received in those first 24 hours.
Rain today. Hanging out in the office playing with my new phone, and getting it setup. Lost a couple things in the transfer, and some stuff got squirrely. That's the downside to not using google. You have to do everything yourself, and it's easy to forget things. I think I've gotten back to basically what I had before. I'm pretty happy with the device, but I keep running up against android security restrictions.

I should be doing paperwork, but I don't feel like it. Nobody's gonna need it til sometime next week due to weather.
Fairly low end. It's the Moto G Stylus 5G. The killer feature I got it for is the motorola gestures, particularly for turning on the flashlight. Make a double chopping motion to turn the light on/off. Super convenient. I won't get many(any?) android updates, but that's fine. Should get a couple years of security updates, and that's what really matters.

I got turned on to Motorola through my home internet phone. I use walmart prepaid for internet, and while it has some significant downsides, I like the freedom of leaving at any time(I left Boost for walmart(tracfone-tmobile)), and being able to take internet anywhere, or finding my misplaced real phone :^D I got a bottom end Moto E for that, and I was very impressed for a $60 phone. It doesn't have a lot of the crapware/annoyances Samsungs come bundled with. I've mostly had Samsung in the past aside for an LG that was junk.
Snow/ice/rain day for most of the guys. Cameron and I are out with the skidder operator trying to make sense of a large clearing. All smallish trees that the guys dropped all willy nilly. Shit laying every which way and high stumps. The mini is getting a work out making skidder piles.
Well we got the mess cleaned up and out to the staging area. Four of us are working tomorrow chipping it all. Gonna be my first time around the 2300 since we first got it. Feeding with a skid steer but hopefully it’ll go quickly. I’m hoping to be able to get away for a few hours to change oil in the 1800 and blades. Also blades on the 255xp. Get a new trailer tire as well.
Actually the first thing I’ll be doing is clearing my driveway before work. Anywhere from 3-9” (depending on which weather forecast to believe) overnight.
We've had two snows you could have sledded in this year, but they weren't fantastic, and you'd have had to hustle, cause it was gone quick. Pretty lame winter, but January cooled down nicely. Rain and ice tomorrow.
Technically new as it was a demo unit. Had like 200 hours on it. The crew that runs it usually says they can fill a 30 yard chip truck in 12 minutes and a semi chip trailer in 45. We’re gonna run 2 or 3 25-30 yard trucks tomorrow.
@cory I get paid decent. Some days it doesn’t seem like enough though. I’ve been offered more by other companies (unsolicited) but I’m comfortable here.
First day back yesterday after Christmas. Corona wiped out January for me even though I didn’t get it.

Three dead Elm to remove. Once in really, really bad condition. I climbed the first and then swung into the second, dismantled them. A bit wobbley but no real dramas. The last one we managed (just) to pull it into the home owners garden. It hung up but as it twisted off the stump it had cleared the neighbouring buildings.
I got some stone dead, Elm. Must have been dead standing for a good few years. All the bark fallen off, yet solid inside, not punky.

It has been snowing a fair bit and that coated the previous ice we had so it was pretty treacherous yesterday. Now it has warmed and raining. It’s going be a night mare in a couple of day when it freezes again.

Today, I will be splitting some of those elm logs and maybe freehand myself a chopping board.
No work today. Went in a heat coma last night and fell asleep in my uncomfortable computer chair in front of the stove. Rescued the fire a couple times, and fell back asleep. Finally got up at ~4:30, and went to bed til 8:00. Got some usb c cables for my new phone from the dollar dollartwentyfive store, and some cat food from the pet store. Went to mom's to see if there was mail that needed to be dealt with, but it turns out my brother got it yesterday. Watered the plants, and came home. Rain... Pretty lame day.

Y'all should checkout the dollar tree if you have one near you. Mine was well stocked with those latex coated gloves I mentioned awhile ago, and even with the inflation, they're a bargain at $1.25. Good winter climbing gloves. Kinda heavy and stiff, but not too bad. Big knots can be easily tied while wearing them. Smaller, fiddly knots may require removal.
That stuff is a bitch to split, IME. Stringy and strong.

Wasn’t too bad tbh. A lot of it just split in one hit. TBF, It wasn’t large diameter stuff though. I just grabbed what looked the least gnarly and straight grained and not too girthy. And filled the space in the back of my pickup. The rest we used the Avant and dumped it in the neighbours next to the jobsite as they asked for it.

That dude is gonna need a decent saw and splitter to get through it all. I mentioned it to my mate who I was working for, he just said ‘People should be more careful for what they wish for’. LOL.
I've been thinking ahead to when I possibly don't have access to free wood, and noticed a local tree company will deliver chips and logs free. That got me thinking "Hmm...", and then visions of poison ivy pine, logs full of fencing, and miscellaneous trash pretty much nixed that idea. I'll do that before I pay for firewood, but I'd look into buying a piece of land or renting it before I got to that point.
I'm still playing with the idea of buying or renting a woodlot. It would be fun to have my own personal playground. I like the idea of renting more, but it might be hard to convince someone I'm not gonna log their property, or tear things up. I'm looking for trees to climb, personal firewood, and maybe a little firewood to sell for what amounts to beer money. With renting, it could work out well for both of us. The farmer gets a little money for land he can't really use, and either of us can walk away at any time without legal hassles.