How'd it go today?

I know right? Mostly each other though, 11k of your own citizens killed so far this year already and rising, mad innit!
That the number y’all came up with at the ladies bridge club meeting? You toss your absurd numbers out, then chide Frankie for posting what he posts. We get it, Mick. You’re scared of or somehow offended by guns and/or gun culture. Stamp collecting is fairly safe though.
Personally. Why give a rats ass what some foreigner thinks about our gun culture.
Human beings still kill human beings.
Being a US citizen, my right to protect myself from any of my species or other species that intends me death or harm (including any government, and yes my own government) is written into our constitution and bill of rights. Period. Not up for debate.
Blunt force trama is the leading cause of murder here btw. Not firearms.
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I would bet most people i know here in the states have guns, no matter what their political leanings are, race, whatever. I didn't even consider the possibility that it's not like that everywhere honestly, it's that ubiquitous here. I was in high school when my dad bought my brother and i shotguns, and that was considered late in life for around here. Several family members were in the mindset that you should have a .22 when the training wheels come off your bike, and my dad thought that was a touch young, but i had bb guns without supervision by then. Even in work settings it's not that alarming to see one, hell on pipeline i was about the only one that didn't have several loaded in the truck. Just one of those things i guess you don't even think about if you grow up surrounded by them.
And it seems folks who grow up otherwise, whether in a foreign country or just a gun un-friendly region in the U.S. seem to think guns are mythical creatures that murder folks at random, with or without human involvement.

My grandfather gave me a .410 and a single shot .22 when I was 7 or 8. They stayed at his house, in his gun cabinet until I was about 12, but they were mine. I’ve had the fortune to own two or three firearms in my life and find the anti-gun sentiment to be quite sickening. They seem to think that by taking gums from the law-abiding, that criminals will simply go play in the park or somesuch. Murder predates gunpowder by several centuries...
I understand the desire for gun control, and to some that didn't grow up surrounded by them how that would be seem effective. But the reality is that most homicides are drug related gang killings, and virtually all of them use your cheap, common, run of the mill handguns. Chicago is a 3 hour drive from here, as is St Louis. They both have huge gang problems, and of course guns are the weapon of choice. If you outlaw them, it will simply just be like drugs are, completely everywhere no matter how hard the cops try. It's been 50 years since Nixon declared war on drugs, now it's gotten to the point where over half the country has flat out legalized weed in direct opposition to the federal government because it's harmless. Since then we've had 2 opioid epidemics, the crack epidemic (funded by the same government to fund an illegal war to boot), the subsequent rise of the cartels, so much weed that you can find it anywhere without even trying, and for what. Nothing but a for profit prison system where 1 in 3 black men will do prison time in their lives, and 1 in 6 Latinos will.

Yes we have frigged up stuff here like school shootings, and honestly some common sense laws should be put in place there as well. I think that if your kid kills someone, you are responsible as well. They can't try kids as adults because they are not fully developed mentally, but you can try their parents for not being there and doing their job. It's like eugenics, but after the fact. Drugs need to be legalized and taxed, and all the money they waste on "stopping" them can be used to make sure if someone steps in them too deep they get the help they need. Prostitution should likewise be legal. If you remove the profit motive from illegal activities, you remove the illegal activities.

If you remove a tool they use to do illegal activities, everything continues the same. Imagine if gangs and school shooters here used explosives like they do in the middle east, because they would switch to that in a moment. A trip to lowes and a gas station gets enough materials for a bomb that is untraceable and will likely have far more casualties than your typical drive by in a city, and then the chiraq name would be completely real. Guns are pretty easy to kill with, but honestly if it came to it, not having them wouldn't even come close to changing the game. And arguments like "that's so much harder" don't really hold up when all sorts of strung out idiots are making several different varieties of meth in their purses and cars, even in walmart bathrooms. I would never touch the stuff and i know of 2 ways they use, and a quick Google search would provide all the info i would need anyways.
Common sense gun laws already exist. Including the parental resposibility part of your kid killing someone. Something you never hear from the proponants of gun control. The law requires that the firearm is to be locked up. Exception is the carry gun which needs to be in the owners posession and control or locked up. If I dont lock my guns up and a minor gets ahold of the fire arm and does harm to themselves or anyone else, i am now a felon facing fines, jail time, lost my gun rights etc. Then you get hit with the civil suits.
Most "common sense gun laws" are already on the books.
Want to stop school shootings? Remove the gun free zone crap, let teachers that qualify for CCW carry arms again with school board or principals permission, bring shooting sports back to the schools (there are scholarships To be had in the sport btw) and train you resource officers proper.
Locking my carry arm in my car safe within 1000 feet of a school does not help if there is an active shooter.
Which btw, is a felony if I dont lock it up that has fines, jail time, and loss of my rights to posessing fire arms.
We have a 10 day wait period while they run NICS and DOJ back ground checks. Different from state to state, but any one that buys a fire arm gets run a NICS check on including gun shows.
Ghosrt guns you say?
80percent fire arm you have to put together with no serial number attatched. But there are lwson the books already. Only for personal use by the builder. If you are going to transfer ownership, you apply for a serial number and it is assigned and you stamp it. Illegal if you dont. Also illegal is to use a fire arm in ANY crime. More penalty if you do and as it is, criminal acts including murder, is illegal.
Cant be a felon and own a fire arm
Cant have a medical marijuana card or be an addict and own a fire arm.
Cant have had a psychological problem or been committed, treated for depression or be on any psych drugs and own a fire arm.
Cant drink alcohol and use a fire arm. Illegal.
DUI in CA, no fire arm for you.
Spousal abuse conviction or arrest, no fire arm for you.
The list is seriously long of what is already in place.
If they dont work, then maybe, just maybe, you are doing it wrong.
Can say this. Criminals love gun free zones and defenseless victims.
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Here is a fun fact about your California 10 day waiting period and check, Stephen.

It didn't keep me from waltzing in and buying a gun when I lived in California.

Only question pertaining to me not being native was: " Are you an illegal alien?"
Since I at that time happened to have a valid visa, I could with good conscience write, no!

Y'all talk about gun-culture, but what it really comes across like, is gun-religion.
The worship of guns, with the AR15 as the holy ghost.
Just like it is impossible to discuss religion, it is impossible to discuss guns, and for the same reasons.

So I only do it for fun and giggles.
What year did you “waltz” in and buy a gun, Stig? (I’d have loved to see you dancing into the fun store...) I wager it was quite some time before Cali enacted their garbage gun laws...