Dropped a hollow 30" wide silver maple. The plan was to mill it, but it wasn't planed to be hollow.
Repainted my meth cart and locked it up.
Repainted my meth cart and locked it up.
I've been blessed to be very mechanically inclined, I've also been cursed that I have to use it.
Meeeeeeee 3I've been blessed to be very mechanicly inclined, I've also been cursed that I have to use it.
From my observations, now into my 7th decade of life...we who are blessed to be mechanically inclined more often than not, win.
We win on the avoided wasted money and time measure, win on the respected member of our community scale, win on feeling pride in our self-sufficiency.
Busted knuckles, burnt skin, grit in eyes, and greasy grime under our fingernails and ground into our skin of course is the price for those wins.