Went to bid two rotten maples at a waterlogged customer's house, and then talking to the retired neighbors next door. They were high school sweethearts, reconnected, I gathered. We all grew up in the three towns with adjacent corners, rehashing favorite pizza places that have been around forever, the Cermak Plaza Spindle seen in Wayne's World, etc.
Good Time Clock | Cermak Plaza - This was amazing to me as a kid, across the parking lot from the Spindle. l
Neighbors have a hollow like a drum, with huge cavity bigleaf maple, over their outbuilding/ well-house for the three adjacent properties.
They just had a large tree and small tree 'calve' off their bank into the Puget Sound. I couldn't see much of it, as it was high-tide.

Spindle (sculpture) - Wikipedia
Good Time Clock | Cermak Plaza - This was amazing to me as a kid, across the parking lot from the Spindle. l
Neighbors have a hollow like a drum, with huge cavity bigleaf maple, over their outbuilding/ well-house for the three adjacent properties.
They just had a large tree and small tree 'calve' off their bank into the Puget Sound. I couldn't see much of it, as it was high-tide.