Hey guys, so sorry that I just put up pics and then bail... Insane week. Insane. Insane, insanely busy.
Stig: Wow!
Corey: Yeah....
Greengreer: Dang, I'm kinda in love with NC now... That was an awsome pic of you up in that monster Oak or whatever weird monster tree that was over that house. Biggest biodiversity in North America, I'm told... NC, that is. Wow. Crazy place to be a tree-guy, I'd reckon.
No, man, that was a 32" bar. That thing was a pig, man. That pig was in the backyard... Our wood haul guy who has been with us for over 5 years took one look at that pig, and promptly quit his job as Eastside.

(No, there were many factors, but that backyard, uphill, snotty woodhaul definitely factored in) That thing was a cannon, man, it was only 38"dbh, but still about 32" at 80'.
Mick/Stig/Sean: The ebb and flow of work in our industry can be a trial to cope with. At Eastside, we were essentially snowed out of work (except for 4x4 emergency jobs) for a good while. Then, my first week back... dang near 60hrs. No time to clean the car, or help fold my work clothes for the wifey, or to log into the House. Barely time to bring in firewood, or be any kind of a dad. Beer consumption WAY down.
We were all dang-near out of work there for a month, with two weeks off for Christmas break, and then another week off with a snow storm; now our woodhaul guy quits, and we've got work coming out of our ears till the end of the world.