How'd it go today?

Woke up to a limping cat, bearing a bit of weight, but definitely trying not to. Sore at the wrist, it appears. Cat-sitting while kid is out of town on a second Xmas break trip. Two cats playing rough, maybe. May be making the vet trip today, rather than wait to see how it is tomorrow, at the emergency vet on New Years Day.
The weather was fine for the first time since forever.
This has been the wettest year since they started recording rainfall in 1874.

As we waited for the year to end, we went to the beach just before sunset and tired the dog out throwing sticks in the ocean..
He is not scared of fireworks, but will still tolerate them better with a good dose of endorphins.

Happy new year, fellow 'Housers!

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Hope all is well with your mom Jim.
I taking this year out with style. I’m 30 deep as of right now. Gonna be done with alcohol and tobacco by tomorrow. I know everyone pulls this but I need to change. I’m gonna be a grumpy sob for a while from the looks of it. Happy f-ing new year to me
Glad mom's ok Jim. If I drank 30 drinks, I'd be dead :^D

Not doing a damned thing tonight. Chilling out with the cats by the fire. Well... One of the cats anyway. The other one doesn't like me much :^D
Hope all is well with your mom Jim.
I taking this year out with style. I’m 30 deep as of right now. Gonna be done with alcohol and tobacco by tomorrow. I know everyone pulls this but I need to change. I’m gonna be a grumpy sob for a while from the looks of it. Happy f-ing new year to me
Good luck I'll be in the same boat.
Two hours in and I’m still alive. I’ve got a few beers hidden for morning just in case. Hair of the dog thing. I’ve got a lot riding on this. I’m gonna do my part. We shall see how it goes.
Gonna be done with alcohol and tobacco by tomorrow. I know everyone pulls this but I need to change.

Highly likely you will do it no problem overall. You'll likely feel like a million bucks once you get on a roll with the clean living.
If I'm gonna get punched in the mouth and kicked in the groin.... Give me'em with the 1 2 combo....

Everyday you'll breathe easier with lighter lungs... focus on the light not the dark, the right not the wrong, the goal not the fight.

I carried a cigarette with me as I quit so I was never alone in the process... it was my fail safe.
Sunflower seeds can help an oral fix...
A toothpick...
Get ready for the headaches... drink water.
You're body wants to succeed... though the mind will either work for you or against you.... See the success.
Keep us posted... sharing and scrubbing stress is key.

No disrespect... there is a line between preaching and teaching.

:smileyfacetoshowfriendlyintentions: :)
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I'm rooting for you Rich.

Presently I have 13 months alcohol free and no weed since last June. Can't say as I miss it much.

Tomorrow I'll be going for the first time to a jam session with old friends to play music straight...going to be different to say the least.
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@treebilly I think doing both at the same time is asking a lot of yourself.

Try doing the smokes first, then when you’ve nailed that, the booze.

Just my 2c.

@treebilly Rich, as an-ex-smoker, I second Mick's opinion. Especially knowing what's on your plate it would probably be easier. And, as the "unofficial Tree House beer snob", my recommendation on the beer is to move from the watery, 30-packs of busch/busch lite you seem to fancy, and get a 12 pack of something better like Sam Adams or Fat Tire, and limit yourself to 1-2 a day. It tastes 100x better, and if you do go off on a bender with it, will mostly avoid anything resembling a hangover the next day (the micro brews and German purity law brews tend to be a lot easier on you that way).

Stay strong bro.
Daughter has a big day of riding for 4H.

Working on her saddle.

New saddle strings and fixed the stitching on the horn.



I might should get serious about sending Stig a measurement of my thumbs.

Its amazing how deep you can push the eye end of a needle into your thumbs before it will draw blood!