... Yeah, no kiddin. lol at Corey and Rich.
Sean: Yer a good man, dude, I'm not jokin.
So................. I got all these freakin old timers (Butch, Burnham, Gary, Corey, 09)... all these freakin guys, ya know, telling me to tie in twice and all of that Davey nonsense... you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways.... I sez to myself, I sez, "Jed," I sez, "Yer kind of a dumbass." I sez. "Yer always tryin ta make a big impression on folks fer how old-timey you are, and how you don't need any dang new, fancy gizmos, and how the old days were always so much better than the new days." Etc. (Sorry, I'll drop the redneck lingo.)
Seriously: You guys have made a really big impact on me over the years. Willy Ging, SOTC, (Has he been around in a bit, btw?) put me onto this place. "Jed. You've really got to check out The Treehouse. It's on the Information Superhighway

, and it's a bunch of really cool older guys who share all their stuff, and don't blow smoke, etc.".... Dang, that's probably 15 years ago now...
Anyways. I was supposed to be doing employee evaluations in the trailer at Eastside this morning, but instead found myself coming uncorked on our production manager (and my boss) for suggesting that my ground guys learn now to "install a 3 to 1, in order to qualify for having attained, "advanced ground rigging."

I just got so stinkin ticked. "This is the stupidest... I cannot STAND a stupid three to one!" "Why would ANYONE WASTE his time... on ever setting up a stupid three to one!"

You all can just imagine how that went over with my two immediate bosses with whom I was supposed to be conducting poor Davin's employee evalualuation. I aplologized before the end of the meeting and went out to do my crappy (non GoPro worthy)

, little removals. And it was weird, because at one point, I ended up going up this super tall, snakey little Birch that might have been 70' tall... but I had to go clean up there so that at the highest point, I was probably about 55'. My rule is that I never take a climb line if I know that I can throw all the limbs, and I know that I can finish the climbing bit with one tank of top-handle gas. (Wade Fagen--old timer, and EXCELLENT, veteran timber faller--of Fagen Tree Service in Bend Oregon, taught me that). By the way, if I don't think that I CAN finish the tree in one tank, my new habit is to take a "service line," up with me (a three strand, 8 mill crab-pot, nylon fishing line rated for 2,200 lbs, with me so that I can fish up another tank of gas or a big saw. But I will climb off it too in a pinch, or repel on a Munter Hitch from 120'. When I told my dear brother Chris Maragulia (owner of Henry Tree Service on Whidby Island) that, he just about killed me.
Anyway, all of this was rattling through my head this late morning as I headed up that snakey, snot and lichen covered Birch tree, and I thought, "Dang... I told them boys I would try the double tie-in too. Felt super weird and guilty. I just felt like the hughest dumbass for wanting to be so much bigger and tougher than all the new, millenial little babies I am supposed to be training, who are afraid of their own shadow in the tree. I felt like such a freakin loser. Everybody (bosses, I mean EVERYBODY--except for my wife, ironically

--is rather unhappy with me at the moment.) I felt like some dumbass old timer who, just for bravado or some weird, quaint, old-timey ardor, was willing to sacrifice the well-being of his family, and the improper training of the young, just to exemplify some absurdly false conception of bravery. Dang.
You guys (I hope) have helped me see the light a little bit. I'm not going to make any vows because, unfortunately, I am too well aquainted with the stinkin weasel that I call myself, but.... but..... hopefully, with God's grace, I may transition into an old man that a young, aspiring tree climber might reasonably do well to model himself after one day; insted of this, has-been-that-never-was, wanna-be-that-never-will, red-neck, risk taker that we all observe, posting endless pics (and now GoPro vids!) of himself on the Treehouse. Thanks brothers. Small wonder I never stop coming around here year after year. Thanks Butch.