More biners!!!
Yowsa!!! He's a flippin' mad scientist!!!

No putting. I always wanted to rent out a course on Arbor Day and just have tree guys/gals play 18 with a BS(golf balls for driving and chipping) and a throw ball for the short game.That sounds awesome! I could definitely enjoy that. Putting might be a bitch lol.
Started playing disc golf with the chick and the kids, very fun and relaxing. Some people are crazy with the cash they spend on gear for it, and walking around the park with duffel bags full of frisbees, we just use straight mid weight discs.
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The start of a dual rope grcs thing. This will allow me to run 2 ropes with one winch, mainly for horizontal use for redneck craning and yarding, probably not lowering use but we'll see (i would probably add springs to hold the ratchet if so). These strap winches will hold the load, the things on top will be jam cleats to quickly tie off. The winch will be behind them. Still need to build a bunch on it, including an attempted self tailer idea I've have for awhile that I've never seen done, so it probably won't worki will probably add a bar so the drill can be held in place with a foot switch, which might work better in the first place.
Found a cast iron lamp pole base in the woods today. It would look good somewhere on the boss' farm, but I need to figure out how I'm gonna get it out. I can't budge it without risking my back. Probably 500#+. Leaning towards using my maasdam to pull it out. It's a ~250' meandering course to get it up to the truck, and then we'll have to pull it up in the bed of his pickup. I'm gonna take my rigging bag to work tomorrow in case we go back to that job.