How'd it go today?

Maybe she did her Residency under Dr. House.

<iframe src="" width="480" height="271" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
She's never seen me before today. They have very screwed up record keeping...I had to correct her on almost every item on my history.

Back when I had my blood clot they gave me the hard sell on having chemical surgery...they admitted it would fail and I had about 60 percent chance of survival...I told them to stick it, and had to threaten getting out of bed to chase the guy out of my room...sent me a bill for over $800 for "consultation"...I sent them a letter stating I don't pay for "sales calls"...

This place is always pushing to do more (max profit).

Seems the more this place grows the worse they get...I'm considering changing to a different hospital/company or whatever...
It sounds like you should.

I'm having another biopsy in the morning - gotta drive 2 hours to Shreveport. Bleagh!
Just give her the crazy eyes like charlie Manson and ask for a full on colonoscopy, and everything else you can think of and make her believe it would pleasure you no matter how much it hurt :/:
Ask her would she rather be shot in the face or the back if it ever came to that
I pinged my middle finger knuckle with the Silky on Saturday..musta hit something deep, finger turned all shades of red and blue and purple and swelled up..clearing up now thank goodness.
We have a good steady cold rain this morning. Boss sent us out anyhow. Then he texts me and says if it’s raining to bad to pack it up. We’re waiting on the parks department to bring keys out so we can get equipment staged and then going home. The whole crew is tired anyhow. We had two extra groundies yesterday so slammed out a two day job in a little over 10 hours.

Watch out for that silky Bermy. Now that it’s tasted blood, it will have the thirst
A month on from hurricane Humberto things are beginning to resprout and leaf out...I have almost finished the restoration pruning for my client, the big baygrape has been balanced and thinned, ficus cut back hard, coconuts cleaned up, white cedars reduced, dead tops of fiddlewoods cut out...
Took down a tall avocado this evening, looming towards a friend's roof, I pruned it about three years ago and it grew about 10' in some sections..even the new sprouts since the storm were already almost 10" in some spots! Went there after the main job, finished it just on dark...
There is still lots of small debris around and lots of broken trees in gardens, but generally the island is looking neat and tidy again, give it another month and you'd hardly know unless you have 'the tree eye'
I'm tired now though a month of six day weeks in the heat and humidity...enough already!
Had to shoot the bottoms of some bridge beams today. That entailed me walking in a creek, up to my upper thigh in some spots. Bright side is it made my toe I smashed with a hammer a couple days ago feel better. Downside is it's pointless, stupid work. The deck never ends up right when you reuse beams, and shooting the existing beams is a waste of time.

Got to go the German restaurant for lunch, and it was the boss' turn to buy. Got currywurst, kraut, and a liter of Paulaner Octoberfest beer. That's one of my favorite places to eat, so it made up for getting wet today :^)