Got another solo project about wrapped up, underbid, unfortunately. Have a stub to pull over a little firewood left. Took a break mid-day to move chips out, to have an empty trailer for the loader, get mix-oil, mix some fuel, and decided while there, might as well replace my BR600 blower, stolen this last year, with a BR800. Beast of a blower.
Finished the second maple rig-down today. Three rigging ropes...first was rigged one lead off each end of the rope, shorty rope was one lead, and the other was three hitched in a row. The challenge was good. Landing zone was cozy. No problems.
Helped my neighbor buck his firewood. His log loader makes me laugh. It's POWERFUL. Easy for him to stack log for easy bucking. It's meant to load 40' logs onto log trucks. These firewood logs were nothing.