How'd it go today?

I'll probably die with my boots on :^D

I used to think I wanted to get into IT. I got laid off during the recession, and I was putting in applications for various technical positions. I don't have any credentials, but it was my hobby for a bunch of years. The more applications I put in, the more I was afraid I'd get a job. I'm not cut out to go work in a box every day. I wouldn't get on well with office politics, and running a chair all day every day would get old fast. I'll probably quit surveying when my boss quits. He's 63, and comes from a long lived family. I might end up dying before he gives it up! If not, I'll find something outside to get into. Hell, I'll go drag brush for a tree company if they'll have a geezer :^D I might not be fast, but I'll showup on time, and ready to work.
Odd - I've always been kinda envious of people who could dress nice, work in AC, and having their own 'lil desk/workspace. I'd have my box HOOKED UP!!!
While taking the dog out last night I watched a large swoop of barn swallows feeding on a big cluster of dragonflies.

It was fun watching them dive down & grab a snack…

That sounds awesome!

Odd - I've always been kinda envious of people who could dress nice, work in AC, and having their own 'lil desk/workspace. I'd have my box HOOKED UP!!!

Cubicle hounds? Yeah nah.

Oh, I thought it was in there. I'm coming up on 51. Heat definitely bothers me more than it used to.

Just saying, heat bothers me less than it used to. I'm not sure why. I thought it was maybe an old man thing cuz my BIL lives in hotLanta, he's 70, hates AC, loves golfing in extreme heat.
Cool vests are possibly less trail compatible.

Heard about a 49yo have a heart attack in the heat. Was on a break and realized what was what.
Luckily, he was out of the tree, on the ground, and was Care Flighted away.

Great broke here, no CoolVest today. Short day of work.


Gotta go load the Alaskan mill and ladder to get it to movable size. Wish I had a bigger mill... On the list.

Time to pull logs off the trailer.
Anyone who works in the heat and doesn't at least try out a cool vest ain't driving with all their gears.

Trust me.
Don't take a risk in the heat, it got me once and i haven't been the same since. I still love summer over winter tho, winter is miserable
I had heat exhaustion 1x when I first started working in the woods at age 19. Hot and humid in Maine, lay down, couldn't get up.
I've had it a few times over my life. The heat just brutalizes me now. It's smoking hot here this week. I'm hiding indoors this evening.
Power line stuff over here is different than the states.... Fee for service drop disconnect starts at $450 PLUS the fee for the accredited electrician who has to make the request for the disconnect...
Got my ass kicked again, but not as bad as yesterday. It was hotter and more humid, but I just spent the day clearing, and took my time. Had my brushcutter, chainsaw, a gallon of fuel, bar oil, misc machine maintenance, 3qt water, and a MRE for lunch.

My shoulders are sore, and I have a bunch of cramps, but it was a decent day all things considered. Got to spend it alone in the woods. Scared up a box turtle that was hauling ass. 20 years ago I'd have taken it to the boss for racing with his girl. That one was a winner! Also saw a fox that was curious about me. I threw a rock at it, and he ran off. It's rabies season, and I don't need to battle a rabid animal with a chainsaw or brushcutter. You lose even if you win. Better for critters to be scared of humans anyway.
Fallston. That's Harford county. About 30 miles north of Baltimore, and maybe 30 miles from the PA line.
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