How'd it go today?

Well fug yeah!

Where'd you learn all that, on your own, or from Gabe or his ilk?

Mostly on my own.

I have always been afraid of bees and wasps. I figured it was good to know more about your enemy. Once I noticed a couple years ago how there were no wasps around the house.....(they were out in the cover crops) I got curious.

Read all I could find about them. Been researching a lot about bugs since I got into farming the right way.

Especially dung beetles!
you can apparently buy fake paper hives to deter the territorial wasps from building near it.

Watering some trees today, at home.

Chipped some brush at home, and cleaned up work stuff. Always stuff to unload and reload.

Worked on my view and a plan for a wetland boardwalk.


Coffee of course.

20% off sale for the entire weed store. 4 different concentrates. Don't smoke anymore, really.

Auto parts store for less then $100!

Invoicing and correspondence.


Watched some Georges St. Pierre on Youtube. Dude was good!!

Chill day.

Gotta find a new recent P/T went to Europe for 2 months...not fleeing, even.
Trained a new guy on this job back in May/ June, after training he worked it for a while, so I haven’t really done night shift in the tank farm for a while. I forgot about the spiders. In early July we have a week or two with swarms of sandflies after sunset, especially so close to the river, so the spiders feast and get way bigger.
I’m not really scared of spiders, especially the non venomous ones around here, but I think they might be actively trying to trap me. I’ll go out there to check for leaks or convey a rail car or something and I walk through zero webs. A few minutes later, I come back the same way to go back inside and there’s a bunch of webs up now, like they’re trying to catch me on the way back. Sandflies are long gone now so maybe they’re hungry.
Kinda creepy lol.
I think I swallowed a wasp today. Up a norway maple, did a big inhale and something went down, felt a few pin pricks in my throat. Puked. Never seen puke fall 20ft before......
Good stuff, FFZ.

Raj, I too inhaled a bug this week, wasn't a wasp or nothing but definitely not pleasant!
hahaha, ARE living the life!!!

I was snorkeling in the Bahamas in the early 70's...horseflies had been driving us nuts, snorkeling off the beach...thought swimming, diving, in the water we would get some peace.

It must have landed on my snorkel right after I came up from a long breath underwater. First thing you do on surfacing is a strong fast exhale that blows all the water out of the snorkel. Second thing is a fast, hard inhale cause you need air BAD cause you just stayed down awhile. The horsefly must have tried to land on my snorkel right after I blew like a whale. I inhaled a horsefly. I didn't puke but I'm sure I scared all fish and folks near me as I went apoplectic while I tap-danced across the water trying to exhale the beast.
hahaha...yeah, always buzzed!

Cory...I probably jerked the snorkel out and spit and cussed a lot. It didn't make it past my mouth. Snorkelers are good at compartmentalizing stuff (water) in the mouth by "damming" it with the tongue so you sometimes kind of breather around a bit of water in your this case if was insect parts. Pretty yeck...
Raj, lol

Dave, the bear and the stickered lumber both look mighty fine
Oh man the bear is so cute... i bet someone could make a movie cuddling with it... and get hella hits.

Today woke up and made a list.. like 14 things... made my mind feel better.

Feeling absolutely nuts lately... but just riding it out and doing what i can as objectively and methodical as possible..

I remember just climbing.... I'd be a little nervous but wears off the first 15 feet... just climb to the top and set a block... tie off and send brush.. those were the days.... where are we now Waldo? Still effective? what's the direction.... where are we going... Succeeding or surviving.... having fun??? how much his too much work???? hahahaha.... frig.

oh yeah... I'm ready for the greeter position.

Hey Deva, those of us that understand what you’re doing (and what you’ve already done) are in awe.

Keep on keeping on.

That is all.
Today woke up and made a list.. like 14 things... made my mind feel better.

Feeling absolutely nuts lately... but just riding it out and doing what i can as objectively and methodical as possible..

I remember just climbing.... I'd be a little nervous but wears off the first 15 feet... just climb to the top and set a block... tie off and send brush.. those were the days.... where are we now Waldo? Still effective? what's the direction.... where are we going... Succeeding or surviving.... having fun??? how much his too much work???? hahahaha.... frig.

oh yeah... I'm ready for the greeter position.


I hear you 5x5