How'd it go today?

Dangerous day today...raining, so I'm sitting at the computer, with my bank card, having just sent out invoices...hmmm, what do I need?

Airline tickets for you and Mr. B round trip, to Portland, OR. M and I can cover most of the rest. Just an idea :D.
Is this thread being screwy for anyone else?

Can't see the bottom of the page or reply to it. Tried on 2 different devices.
Maybe it's full :?

I fixed this thread - the issue was that the person who included that YouTube video in their post didn't copy the entire embed link, so the page couldn't finish rendering.

That actually seems to be a shortcoming of vBulletin that it doesn't detect unclosed html tags and prevent them from totally friggin' the rest of the page.
I believe that is what I said earlier before I was dismissed as overreacting or some such bullshit.

Reg must have done something screwy in his last post in this thread. There's no reply box under his last post and no further posts are visible. Maybe he copy/pasted something that screwed up the code when he embedded the video? Can you please edit and erase whatever he typed that messed with the forum code so the thread will work again?
split firewood for 2.5 hours until I was worn out.
yield ~7/8 of a rick (1/2 "face" cord) ... foreground
hope to sell it (when complete rick) for $100 (customer picks up himself)
No log splitter? Hand splitting for 2.5-3 hours to bring in $100 is low return on the work effort -- good if you need the physical workout, though. Around here, a cord goes for $250-300, you haul. I should post some pics of a friend's setup -- his whole side gig is firewood and he is set up decent for it, not a lot of money into it. Conveyor directly into his pickup, ready to go shove out for delivery (no stacking).
That would be good to see, Stumpshot!

Physical workout IS part of the attraction.

Have thought about getting a log splitter, but cannot yet justify the expense to the expected rate of return.

Still sort of feeling my way through the whole tree removal/firewood and tree work business .... from a work/business perspective.
Huskee 22t splitters, well, when I bought mine years ago, were $1099, at Del's farm supply, frequently going on sale for $999. Never had anything stop it. Slow it down, sure, but not stop it.

Hydraulic splitters are hard to find used, and will have a resale value. I've rented mine out to customer's who I trust reasonably not to break it. $75-100 a pop. I know how much wood they will have to put though it. I leave it a week or so, allowing them to nibble away at it, with at least one weekend. Mostly it sits in my way at home, because I use it so little.
Sean, so 22 ton is good enough for, say, up to 24" ?

Correct to assume the main thing is the engine? ... i.e. the hydraulic aspect is simple and basic?
Worked this morning, series of Lombardies to take down, not big but phone and electrickery lines partout.

Finished by lunchtime, which was nice as it pissed down all afternoon, so I watched Westworld, the original movie.

Hand splitting wood for profit is a fool's errand, and that ain't no shit. For yourself? Cool, great workout!!!
Finished out job up in the park a day early. Long days and some brainstorming put us back on schedule and then some after we were rained out the first day.
Here is a before and after of the fir I just dead wooded 2" plus from.. I did a little extra since it looked like it has IPS beetle. Few limbs were dying out from it. Cut out the infestation I could see. IMG_2001.jpg
After IMG_2005.jpg IMG_2006.jpg

Cedar rigging point after fir was removed IMG_2002.jpg

And a salvaged piece of vid. A view from the 180 foot pondo I rigged one of the dead firs from. This is right after the ride up at the 100 foot point.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>