How'd it go today?

Stig, that caption and Pic were priceless.

I've done two over the years. The prize winner was a Johnsered got smashed by a huge tulip sliding back off the stump. It resembled a pocket watch which had been smashed by a sledgehammer.
No (fully) smashed saws here -- just the handle on the 346 and the air filter cover on the 395. Both were under cover on porches, under the roofs. Both were nailed by butt ends of limbs that managed to miss the roof & gutters, but would've hit the porch floorings -- except protected by the saws which took the hit. Lesson(s) learned -- keep saws against the building itself, around the corner from the drop zone fringes!

I was looking on YouTube to see if anyone had a video of a saw going through a chipper. No joy. I suppose no one wants to fess up if they make such a blunder!
I've been lucky. Broke the brake handle on my 66 Husky. I'll second taking the PH off. Bars are much cheaper to replace.
Siberian elm removal today in Missouri, about and hour drive each way. Power company was supposed to take 2 limbs off over the power lines first, but apparently a miscommunication made it to where they only did minimal work. Ah well, working around mains is no stranger to us. Tree was in the center of the back yard, only target was an old gas lantern light. Climbed & pieced out, no rigging. 36" DBH trunk felled nicely, cookied & halved, filled up the chip truck quickly! Off to dump. Then she added 2 oak prunings in the front (lower deadwood & a few limbs off over the house & driveway). Almost ready to pack up, she added a 25' cedar that I felled. Winched it right in, one shot. Headed home in traffic, but still made decent time to get home for supper!
I accidentally cut thru the hinge on a 40 foot maple, a week after my dad passed. I tried to work to get my mind off stuff, and when the tree fell towards the house, missing everything including the little glass globes in the garden, i realized that not only did i frig my saw up, being lucky is better than being good :lol: some plastic and a some bending the wrap around handle back, the saw is completely fine.
Well, apart from my chipper breakdown we had a good week.

Funny thing is now it has really frigged up my mind is made up, it’s out of here, a bit like when a girlfriend who you’re thinking about breaking up with gets pissed up and gets off with your mate, you’re upset but at least the decision is made.
I know the feeling, Mick.

Hope you have better luck with the next one.

Are you going for a TP?

I have called the different forest districts we log for and told them to give me estimates of volume and timeframe for next year if they want us.

Otherwise we'll be booked solid and they'll miss out.

Work is pouring in, the first 3 months of 2019 are sold out already, just since I made the calls yesterday.

Got a call from a head forester who manages 4 different districts.
We have done some work for him before, but I don't much like him, because he is such a penny pincher.

Anyway, he wanted a whole bunch logged from mid jauary, so i told him that we are raising prices 15% when 2019 begins.
I had expected him to scream and howl and had decided to simply tell him to find some other company.

He hemmed and hawed a bit and then simply accepted it.

Completely surpriced me.

It is nice for once to be in a position where we can set the price and tell then to take a walk if they don't like it.

That is something I've never tried before.
Want me to see how quick I can get you a TP here.?
I cdan give the factory a call tomorrow.
Getting it legal to drive on French roads would be the challenge., but......a TP 275 single axle is my weapon of choice.

If you have a contact it might not hurt to find out, I’d appreciate it.
It is never an easy decision Mick - I am a big fan of the 1928 machine - chip quality may be poor, but it really does chip and the tracking system is the best on the UK market as things stand.
Spent a lot of money last night. I was just beyond done dealing with that damn minivan. To many damn expensive ass dealer only parts. Went back to what I know how to work on
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To heck with good gas mileage. At least I can use this for other things than groceries.
Stump grinding day today. Dumped the chip truck, then took it down the road 45 min to grind an 18" stump. Logical? No. But had to complete the job from last Monday, and not likely to be at that out-of-the-way town for awhile. Then back into town here to do the pin oak from last Tuesday -- 4' base + root flare. Over 2 hours on that one, then the customer & his Japanese wife started laying out a spread on the porch -- coffee, homemade muffins & cookies. Twisted my arm to stay and chat, wound up staying for another hour! Almost 5, so homeward bound. Was hoping to get a start on the cottonwood stump, but that'll have to wait for another day!
Wife is happy. Well almost. It goes back to the dealer Monday because a caliper is sticking and it still needs detailed. Actually I wanted it recleaned since I can smell cigarettes in it. It’s used of course. Hell a new one cost more than I paid for my house! Wasn’t the best time to need a vehicle, but it’s always something. Can you believe they didn’t want to let me test drive a new corvette yesterday?