How'd it go today?

Are you thinking of belgiums?

Spent yesterday removing dead ash and Dead Fraser firs at a nice hidden property in town. We work 3-5 days a year for them. Also raised up another section along the wood line. By the time we get the whole property done, it’ll be time to start over. Came home and grabbed the kids from my mother in law and headed to a graduation party. Kids had fun and were exhausted. I’m outside this morning with the dog enjoying the peace and quiet.
I'm off for some more days of logging and sweating.
See y'all next friday.
There is no signal where we stay, so I can't even log on with my phone.
Don't think it is Percheron isn't that what General Pattan put effort in to saving in WWII. The ones that they teach things that look like dancing or something?

And don't think it's Belgians. Thought it started with S.

Edit: Ahh, google says Mel Gibson rode a Lusitono.

At any rate, I guess there are a lot of big breed horses out there if a person wanted one.
When I first started with the USFS, we still had a string of riding and pack horses, along with two mules. Used for trail work support, mostly. I was lucky enough to have some horse experience, and was sometimes tasked with helping the packer on some jobs.

Both those mules were smart, and tough, and could be really stubborn if they got an idea in their heads. They were smart enough that we could lash 2x10's 16 feet long on each side of their decker pack saddles, and just lead from a saddle horse, they could maneuver along a 4 foot wide trail lined with trees without passing the leading end of the load on the wrong side of a tree. Even back and fill on a switchback turn to get around it. Heck, I know humans that can't do that, carrying a long board :).
Don't think it is Percheron isn't that what General Pattan put effort in to saving in WWII. The ones that they teach things that look like dancing or something?...

You are thinking of the Lipizzaner horses in Austria. Any of the large draft horses can be used for riding but those big round backs and low withers make saddle fit and riding comfort a challenge. The reason mules never made it big was not because they had big ears but because they were on average smarter than the people training and wanting to use them.
Saw this today at Sherril.

Shop the TreeHouse.

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My youngest grandson has been fired up about archery lately. I think his start in archery was at camp this summer, a few weeks ago...maybe he did a little with Alex before that.

But he has only done a few sessions. I shot with him some in the early afternoon yesterday. When I came back a few hours later to do some underwater stuff (we have an underwater playground set up) I found him practicing this....he is taking it to another level!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Haha Jim!

Some help I needed backed out today to help piece down a silver maple. Had to resort to the 24 ft pole saw.
Then did a sneak weed wacking at my Dad's place. Swept up and gone before he got home. He called me and was disappointed I didn't fix his broken weedeater. Haha! Came home and did my place.

GF was right pissed off Gabrielle's soccer practice was cancelled again. She said we paid for practices and games, not fair to the kids who attend when thinhs get cancelled. Well, there is a practice tonight and it effs up the night for her. She got what she wanted, and is mad about it. Haha!
Called it a day off today. Woke up nauseous with a headache coughing from the smoke. Screw climbing trees. Gonna go pull some wire to the barn and coop once my head feels better.
Damn! I watched a show (This Is Us) where a fellow inhaled smoke but everyone thought he was fine until he up and died from it like the next day or so... never even knew that was a thing!