I will report back with what the guy does with it.
Funny how things go. A couple weeks ago I put my trap out first time to catch a raccoon. About a week ago I did a chimney cleaning for a trapper. What are the odds of that? He described in detail how to set/bait my trap and expressed interest in the pelt if I had no use for it. So I figure I may as well support his business as he's already supported mine. I've got no use for a raccoon dead or alive. My gut instinct was like yours Cory to drive him into the boonies and give him a chance. But when I researched it it's first off illegal here and secondly just putting a raccoon problem onto someone else nine times out of ten.
I've already researched too this isn't baby time for coons or nothing. No risk of leaving little ones unattended to suffer or nothing like that and I'm sure the trapper will dispatch this one as humanely as possible.
Funny how things go. A couple weeks ago I put my trap out first time to catch a raccoon. About a week ago I did a chimney cleaning for a trapper. What are the odds of that? He described in detail how to set/bait my trap and expressed interest in the pelt if I had no use for it. So I figure I may as well support his business as he's already supported mine. I've got no use for a raccoon dead or alive. My gut instinct was like yours Cory to drive him into the boonies and give him a chance. But when I researched it it's first off illegal here and secondly just putting a raccoon problem onto someone else nine times out of ten.
I've already researched too this isn't baby time for coons or nothing. No risk of leaving little ones unattended to suffer or nothing like that and I'm sure the trapper will dispatch this one as humanely as possible.